@SysInclude { report } macro @Barf { @Section @Title { Hello } @Begin @PP Let me know how it goes. I can see that the current 3.0f probably only grabs enough space to guarantee that the heading, the gap below it, and one line of the first paragraph fits, and that unbreakablefirst might then disallow that one first line, giving the problem you had - but it needs experimentation to be sure. @PP Alternatively, make a small test file that elicits the problem and send it over to me. @End @Section } @Report @InitialFont { Palatino Base 13p } @InitialBreak { unbreakablefirst unbreakablelast adjust hyphen 1.5fx } // @Barf @Barf @Barf @Barf @Barf @Barf @Barf @Barf @Barf @Barf @Barf @Barf