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Re: [lout 3.17] @SysPrependGraphic symbol out of place

From: John Gerard Malecki
Subject: Re: [lout 3.17] @SysPrependGraphic symbol out of place
Date: Tue, 22 May 2001 21:57:56 -0700

Efraim Yawitz wrote (2001-05-23T00:25:28-0700):
 > I just got this same error when trying to run lout under UNIX on a file
 > which had DOS line endings.  I don't know why this happens, but it
 > happened on even a very simple file.  I'm also using 3.17.

Here are some changes I made a long time ago to allow lout-3.24 to
read eps files generated by some adobe program on the pc to be read by
lout on a unix system.  I think more than half the code is Uwe's but
anything ugly is my fault.

-good luck

:; diff z12.c /nfs/ish1/tmp/johnm/ARCHIVE/lout-3.24/z12.c
<   FULL_LENGTH b, f, dble_fwd, llx, lly, urx, ury; int status, read_status;
>   FULL_LENGTH b, f, dble_fwd, llx, lly, urx, ury;
>   BOOLEAN binary; long offset;
>   int status, read_status;
<       if( fp == NULL )  status = IG_NOFILE;
>       if( fp == NULL ) status = IG_NOFILE;
>       else
>       { unsigned char buff[12];       /* magic, offset, length - 4 bytes each 
> */
>         fread(buff, sizeof(unsigned char), sizeof(buff), fp);
>       if( memcmp((unsigned char *)buff, EPSF_MAGIC, EPSF_MAGIC_SIZE) == 0 )
>         { offset = buff[4] | (buff[5]<<8) | (buff[6]<<16) | (buff[7]<<24);
>         fseek(fp, offset, SEEK_SET);
>         offset += buff[8] | (buff[9]<<8) | (buff[10]<<16) | (buff[11]<<24);
>         binary = TRUE;
>       }
>         else
>       { rewind(fp);
>         binary = FALSE;
>       }
>       }
<       read_status = fscanf(fp, "%[^\n\r]%*c", (char *) buff);
>       if( binary && (ftell(fp) >= offset) )
>         read_status = EOF;
>       else
> #if 0
>         read_status = fscanf(fp, "%[^\n\r]%*c", (char *) buff);
> #else
>         /* we can encounter any of \n, \r or \r\n */
>           {
>           char c;
>           read_status = fscanf(fp, "%[^\n\r]%c", (char *) buff,&c);
>           if (read_status == 2 && c == '\r') {
>             int c = fgetc(fp);
>             if (c != '\n') ungetc(c,fp);
>           }
>         }
> #endif

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