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Re: NetBSD pkg, PDF links, and break styles

From: Ty Sarna
Subject: Re: NetBSD pkg, PDF links, and break styles
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 1998 18:51:09 -0600 (CST)

Oops. And here is the foodoc file, otherwise the example isn't very
useful :)  (I trimmed most comments trimmed out for space)


  @SysInclude { fontdefs        } # font definitions
  @SysInclude { langdefs        } # language definitions
  @SysInclude { dl              } # DocumentLayout package
  @SysInclude { docf            } # OrdinaryLayout extension

import @DocumentLayout

def @SummaryDescriptionPlace { @Galley }
def @SummaryDescription into { @SummaryDescriptionPlace&&following }
    right x
    ragged @Break @F x

def @MoreSummaryDescription
    "Summary Description (cont.):"




def @DescriptionPlace { @Galley }
def @Description into { @DescriptionPlace&&following }
    right x
    ragged @Break @F x

def @MoreDescription
    "Description (cont.):"




def @URILink left label right url
    @BackEnd @Case {
        PostScript @Yield {
                "/Rect    [ 0 0 xsize ysize ]"
                "/Action  << /Subtype /URI /URI ("url") >>"
                "/Subtype /Link"
                "/ANN pdfmark"
            } @Graphic { label }
        else @Yield { label }

@Use { @DocumentLayout
  # ...
    @PageType           { Letter @OrIfPlain Other}# page type (width, height)
  # ...
   @TopMargin           { .5i   @OrIfPlain 6f   } # top margin of all pages
   @FootMargin          { .5i   @OrIfPlain 6f   } # bottom margin of all pages
   @OddLeftMargin       { .5i   @OrIfPlain 10s  } # left margin of odd pages
   @OddRightMargin      { .5i   @OrIfPlain 10s  } # right margin of odd pages
   @EvenLeftMargin      { .5i   @OrIfPlain 10s  } # left margin of even pages
   @EvenRightMargin     { .5i   @OrIfPlain 10s  } # right margin of even pages
  # ...
  # @ProofWord          { proof                 } # "Proof" word, etc.
    @PageHeaders        { None                  } # None Simple Titles NoTitles
  # @PageNumbers        { Arabic                } # page numbers
  # @StructPageNums     { No                    } # make structured page numbers

  # @OddTop             { @Centre{- @PageNum -} } # Simple page headers
  # ...

                                                  # Titles, NoTitles headers
  # @RunningOddTop  { @I address@hidden @DotSep @MinorTitle} @Right @B @PageNum 
  # ...

@Use { @OrdinaryLayout
  # ...
  # @IndexAPrefix               {               } # for structured page nums
  # ...

@SysDatabase @RefStyle { refstyle }               # reference printing styles

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