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Re: [Logs-devel] rename Data_Sources files?

From: Vijay Lakshminarayanan
Subject: Re: [Logs-devel] rename Data_Sources files?
Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2006 20:26:23 -0500

On 6/17/06, Jim Prewett <address@hidden> wrote:
I'm mostly trying to fix the problem that Suresh Madhu pointed out with
regaurds to using defsystem (defsystem apparently doesn't like files with
two '.' characters in their names).

> > p.s. why doesn't CVS have a 'rename' feature?!
> I think you've hit the spot on one of CVS's failures :-)

Yes, most definantly! :)

I've been looking at the possible solutions to this 'problem' (renaming in
CVS) and think that the one in which original-filename is removed from the
repository and new-filename is then added to the repository with a note
that it used to be called original-filename.  The other alternatives sound
significantly more time intensive and error-prone and still have their

Do you have any opinions?  (now is the time to say 'oh, please don't do
*THAT*!' ;)

It is a big of a snag that we don't have version control for renamed
files.  Here's a solution I think is effective if not good.  We don't
delete the old .low.lisp files.  Let them remain.  We move all the
necessary code to a new file (impl-depend.lisp?).  In logs.asd and
everywhere else we just pretend those files don't exist and don't
bother compiling them.  This will lead to those files downloading all
the time but let that be.  If and when we find a good working solution
to the problem and see that those files are really obsolete, we could
delete them.

Jim (the laptop slayer)

What?  Another?

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