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Re: [lmi] Logo on group quotes but not illustrations

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: Re: [lmi] Logo on group quotes but not illustrations
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2018 12:21:32 +0000
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On 2018-08-09 08:32, Vadim Zeitlin wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Aug 2018 11:52:08 +0000 Greg Chicares <address@hidden> wrote:
> GC> Vadim--My "dogs in space" logo from the savannah repository's gwc/ 
> subdirectory
> GC> appears on group quotes, but not on illustrations since the wx and 
> wxPdfDoc
> GC> upgrade. This seems to be a regression. Illustrations don't even display a
> GC> broken-image icon--there's just nothing there at all. I can reproduce 
> this by
> GC> running any illustration for any product; can you? This isn't urgent--it 
> can
> GC> wait until you return to your normal schedule.
>  I'll retest this in the beginning of the next week, but I definitely do
> still see the logo in the illustrations just fine. It's only missing on the
> "continuation" pages, i.e. physical (if you consider PDF document to be a
> physical object, that is) pages other than the first one that are generated
> from the same logical page, i.e. a single MST template.

I see no logo whatsoever, on any page.

BTW, I've run illustrations with the Red Death product (sample2ipp, IIRC),
and they look great: the really long footnotes are paginated nicely.

>  Could there be a mismatch between the binary and the template files
> somehow?

I don't see how that could be possible. There's a 'company_logo.jpg',
but that's used only by XSL-FO. Everything else--group quotes as well
as illustrations, and all MST files--uses 'company_logo.png'. That PNG
file looks fine with 'ristretto image viewer' and the GIMP, and also
with group quotes. I tested this with HEAD, with no local modifications.
I haven't made any recent changes that would plausibly affect this.

With the workaround you posted separately to suppress autoreconf,
maybe Kim will be able to build this and see whether the logo works
for her, in which case I might be suffering from a 'wine' anomaly.

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