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Re: [lmi] Please review Makefile.am changes

From: Vadim Zeitlin
Subject: Re: [lmi] Please review Makefile.am changes
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2018 02:31:49 +0100

On Tue, 27 Feb 2018 00:14:49 +0000 Greg Chicares <address@hidden> wrote:

GC> The changes I just pushed are intended to mirror the objects used in
GC> 'objects.make' for two unit tests.
GC> input_test: it looks like Makefile.am was building the "antediluvian"
GC> fork, which is not at all what we use in production.

 I admit I have no idea why was it doing this, all I can say is that the
file antediluvian_stubs.cpp was added by you to both this file and
objects.make in the commit 65e27f76247fa4d086915ad14aad910a4493bb68. In any
case, I certainly don't have any objections to this change.

GC> rate_table_test: perhaps the earlier version was equivalent, but the
GC> proposed revision seems more consistent with other unit tests in that
GC> it lists all objects instead of linking a library.

 I agree that consistency between these files is important but I'd just
like to say that, ideally, I'd avoid compiling the same files over and over
again as part of dozens of tests and would use a library containing them
instead. It might be marginally simpler to list the files in each test
(although I'm not even sure why is this the case, to be honest), but the
compilation times, and the disk space taken by the files, does add up...

GC> Anyway, now the object-lists for all unit tests appear identical.

 I've tested that building the changed tests still works and they still run
and pass.

 Thanks for harmonizing these files,

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