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Re: [lmi] Branching to replace XSL-FO

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: Re: [lmi] Branching to replace XSL-FO
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2017 20:53:37 +0000
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On 2017-10-06 19:30, Greg Chicares wrote:
> For an assuredly safe trial run, I started this way:
> $ pushd /tmp
> $ git clone git://git.savannah.nongnu.org/lmi.git
> $ cd lmi

I guess this was a common practice before 'git-worktree'. Having set it
up already, I think I might just continue working there, so that I can
focus on replacing XSL-FO instead of studying yet another git facility
at this time.

Now I have "my" XSL-FO-replacement branch, and "yours":

> $ git branch gwc-no-xslfo
> $ git checkout gwc-no-xslfo
> Switched to branch 'gwc-no-xslfo'
> $ git remote add vz-remote https://github.com/vadz/lmi.git
> $ git fetch vz-remote

and I did this:

$ git checkout vz-no-xslfo
$ make srcdir=/opt/lmi/src/lmi -f /opt/lmi/src/lmi/GNUmakefile check_concinnity 
2>&1 |less -S

If you haven't addressed the output yourself yet, maybe I should seize
this opportunity to propose a few simple changes, e.g.:

  Exception--file 'column_headings.mustache': File is unexpectedly 

Here I'd add a '.mustache' category to the concinnity-checking code
and test it against files of that type.

There are some trivialities like this:

  File 'ledger_pdf_generator.hpp' lacks canonical header guards.

As another example...

  File 'ledger_pdf_generator_wx_test.cpp' exceeds 31-character file-name limit.

I would suggest removing '_wx' from that file name.

Should I...

- cherry-pick these from "your" branch into "mine", change them there, and
push to savannah?

- change them in my working copy of "your" branch, and send them to you as
a git bundle?

- change them in my working copy of "your" branch, and somehow attempt to
push them to savannah, which I suspect won't work unless I push "your"
branch to savannah first?

For the changes I'd make to 'test_coding_rules.cpp', should I use one of
the methods above? Is there any reason why I shouldn't just push them to
savannah/master now, which would actually be more convenient for me?

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