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Re: [lmi] Robust timings in unit tests

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: Re: [lmi] Robust timings in unit tests
Date: Thu, 11 May 2017 14:57:18 +0000
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On 2017-05-07 22:14, Vadim Zeitlin wrote:
> On Sun, 7 May 2017 17:49:29 +0000 Greg Chicares <address@hidden> wrote:
> GC> An argument might be made for reporting the lowest measurement rather
> GC> than the mean.
>  This seems a good argument to me and this is exactly what I do when
> measuring CPU-bound code.

Commit 1a629bf changed AliquotTimer so that it reports the minimum.

Here are some results. First, 'timer_test' for two architectures,
tabulating the first three lines, which measure
 - inline void do_nothing() {}
 - a hundred logarithm calculations written to volatile storage
 - ten calls to that hundred-logarithm function

     min mean       min  mean        min   mean

     300  353      8500  8587      41400  64280
     300  336      8500  8579      41400  65340
     300  312      8500  8564      41400  50950
     300  337      8500  8776      82800  83060
     300  338      8500  8581      41400  51390
     300  332      8500  9117      41400  60440
     300  336      8500  8579      41400  77610
     100  175      4200  4288      41400  41770
     100  299      4200  4288      41400  41570
     300  312      8500  8581      82800  83160

       0  353      4000  8587      40000  64280
       0  336      8000  8579      81000  65340
       0  312      4000  8564      40000  50950
       0  337      4000  8776      40000  83060
       0  338      8000  8581      40000  51390
       0  332      8000  9117      40000  60440
       0  336      4000  8579      40000  77610
       0  175      4000  4288      40000  41770
       0  299      4000  4288      40000  41570
       0  312      8000  8581      40000  83160

At first, I questioned whether this change is really an improvement.
First of all, precision has apparently been lost; but it was false
precision, because nanosecond measurements were being reported for
timers with a resolution of about a millisecond. Second, the middle
columns of the msw results suggest that the minimum and mean aren't
really much different; but the GNU/Linux results don't. Third, the left
column of the GNU/Linux results is uniformly zero, which just feels
wrong, because the mean seemed to report information while the minimum
doesn't; but the question actually posed is how long it takes to do
nothing on a multiple-GHz machine, measured to the nearest microsecond,
and the answer really is zero: the zero minimum is information, but the
reported mean is noise.

I was especially reluctant to give up the "Third" illusion above for
'expression_template_0_test', because I had once set great store by its
results, though that was probably with gcc-3.0 on a one-core 3.5 GHz
CPU...because now there's no difference to measure on x64_86-linux-gnu
except for the "STL" methods that are known to be awful:

  Speed tests: array length 1000
  C               : 9.877e-07 s mean;          0 us least of 10125 runs
  STL plain       : 4.006e-06 s mean;          3 us least of 2496 runs
  STL fancy       : 1.462e-06 s mean;          1 us least of 6840 runs
  valarray        : 9.952e-07 s mean;          0 us least of 10048 runs
  uBLAS           : 1.020e-06 s mean;          0 us least of 9801 runs
  PETE            : 8.727e-07 s mean;          0 us least of 11459 runs

...and the corresponding results for array lengths of {1, 10, 100} just
look ridiculous now: they're all zero. As seen above, the mean is still
reported (it costs nothing) along with the minimum (which is expressed
now in microseconds, not nanoseconds).

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