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[lmi] Supplemental report with zero-percent columns

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: [lmi] Supplemental report with zero-percent columns
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 13:01:34 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090812)

Prior to the change committed 20090926T0137Z:

  alt-F N I

  alt-F F
  select 'PolicyFee_Current'

elicited a messagebox complaining:

  "map_lookup: key 'PolicyFee_Current' not found."

That change fixed that particular problem, but introduced
another, reproducible thus in HEAD as of this moment:

  alt-F F
  select 'AVGenAcct_CurrentZero'

  alt-F N I
  select any general-account-only policy form

elicits a messagebox complaining:

  "No values for basis 'curr charges and genacct int, zero sepacct int'"

The patch below [0] is a stopgap that restricts these columns:
to supplemental reports created with a home-office password; for
general-account-only policy forms, those columns, if selected,
show all blanks. That's not ideal, but it prevents the severest

It seems plain now that adding these columns to the GUI was a
mistake. The objective is just to provide a supplemental report,
when general- and separate-account balances are both nonzero,
with a particular set of columns on these bases:
  "curr charges and genacct int, zero sepacct int"
  "guar charges and genacct int, zero sepacct int"
Adding columns on those bases to the GUI creates problems for
non-variable policy forms, for which those bases are undefined.
Except to comply with a regulatory requirement, no end user would
ever wish to use any such column in a supplemental report.

Because the desired supplemental report contains a particular
fixed set of columns, it would seem better to implement it in the
appropriate '.xsl' file, as was done in this 'nasd.xsl' template:
  <xsl:template name="supplemental-illustration-report">
That's easier for end users and less prone to manual error. This
special hard-coded supplemental report should appear if and only
if a particular condition is met. I'm not exactly sure what that
condition is, but it might be either (or both) of these:
 (a) 'GenAcctAllocation' is neither one nor zero; or
 (b) 'AVGenAcct' and 'AVSepAcct' are both nonzero.
(a) is fairly straightforward because it uses only a scalar.
(b) is harder (in xslt) because it involves two vectors.

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