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[lmi-commits] [lmi] master 257ff4b 065/156: Add numeric summary table to

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: [lmi-commits] [lmi] master 257ff4b 065/156: Add numeric summary table to PDF illustrations
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2018 17:22:12 -0500 (EST)

branch: master
commit 257ff4bbb4f52cd7a4dfbe1466d78eccebef9307
Author: Vadim Zeitlin <address@hidden>
Commit: Vadim Zeitlin <address@hidden>

    Add numeric summary table to PDF illustrations
    Use a custom HTML tag to allow embedding this table in the middle of a
    page template.
    This solution is more flexible than implicitly appending the table after
    the data defined in the external template, as done for the "Tabular
    Detail" pages, but doesn't allow having page breaks if the table doesn't
    fit on a single page.
 ledger_pdf_generator_wx.cpp | 352 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 numeric_summary.mustache    |  15 ++
 2 files changed, 367 insertions(+)

diff --git a/ledger_pdf_generator_wx.cpp b/ledger_pdf_generator_wx.cpp
index 3fdd183..b8c2cdb 100644
--- a/ledger_pdf_generator_wx.cpp
+++ b/ledger_pdf_generator_wx.cpp
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@
 #include <wx/pdfdc.h>
+#include <wx/html/m_templ.h>
 #include <cstdint>                      // SIZE_MAX
 #include <fstream>
 #include <map>
@@ -1690,6 +1692,353 @@ class columns_headings_page : public numbered_page
+// Helper classes used to show the numeric summary table. The approach used
+// here is to define a custom HTML tag (<numeric_summary_table>) and use the
+// existing illustration_table_generator to replace it with the actual table
+// when rendering.
+// Notice that we currently make the simplifying assumption that this table is
+// always short enough so that everything fits on the same page as it would be
+// much more complicated to handle page breaks in the table in the middle of a
+// page (page_with_tabular_report below handles them only for the table at the
+// bottom of the page, after all the other contents, and this is already more
+// complicated and can't be done with just a custom HTML tag as we do it here).
+// An HTML cell showing the contents of the numeric summary table.
+class numeric_summary_table_cell
+    :public wxHtmlCell
+    ,private using_illustration_table
+  public:
+    // Before using this class a pdf_context_setter object needs to be
+    // instantiated (and remain alive for as long as this class is used).
+    class pdf_context_setter
+    {
+      public:
+        // References passed to the ctor must have lifetime greater than that
+        // of this object itself.
+        explicit pdf_context_setter
+            (Ledger const& ledger
+            ,pdf_writer_wx& writer
+            ,html_interpolator const& interpolate_html
+            )
+        {
+            numeric_summary_table_cell::pdf_context_for_html_output.set
+                (&ledger
+                ,&writer
+                ,&interpolate_html
+                );
+        }
+        ~pdf_context_setter()
+        {
+            numeric_summary_table_cell::pdf_context_for_html_output.set
+                (nullptr
+                ,nullptr
+                ,nullptr
+                );
+        }
+    };
+    numeric_summary_table_cell()
+    {
+        m_Height = render_or_measure(0, e_output_measure_only);
+    }
+    // Override the base class method to actually render the table.
+    void Draw
+        (wxDC& dc
+        ,int x
+        ,int y
+        ,int view_y1
+        ,int view_y2,
+        wxHtmlRenderingInfo& info
+        ) override
+    {
+        // The DC passed to this function is supposed to be the same as the one
+        // associated with the writer we will use for rendering, but check that
+        // this is really so in order to avoid unexpectedly drawing the table
+        // on something else.
+        LMI_ASSERT(&dc == &pdf_context_for_html_output.writer().dc());
+        // We ignore the horizontal coordinate which is always 0 for this cell
+        // anyhow.
+        stifle_warning_for_unused_value(x);
+        // There is no need to optimize drawing by restricting it to the
+        // currently shown positions, we always render the cell entirely.
+        stifle_warning_for_unused_value(view_y1);
+        stifle_warning_for_unused_value(view_y2);
+        // We don't care about rendering state as we don't support interactive
+        // selection anyhow.
+        stifle_warning_for_unused_value(info);
+        render_or_measure(y + m_PosY, e_output_normal);
+    }
+  private:
+    enum
+        {column_policy_year
+        ,column_premium_outlay
+        ,column_guar_account_value
+        ,column_guar_cash_surr_value
+        ,column_guar_death_benefit
+        ,column_separator_guar_non_guar
+        ,column_mid_account_value
+        ,column_mid_cash_surr_value
+        ,column_mid_death_benefit
+        ,column_separator_mid_cur
+        ,column_cur_account_value
+        ,column_cur_cash_surr_value
+        ,column_cur_death_benefit
+        ,column_max
+        };
+    illustration_table_columns const& get_table_columns() const override
+    {
+        static illustration_table_columns const columns =
+            {{ "PolicyYear"             , "Policy\nYear"       ,       "999" }
+            ,{ "GrossPmt"               , "Premium\nOutlay"    ,   "999,999" }
+            ,{ "AcctVal_Guaranteed"     , "Account\nValue"     ,   "999,999" }
+            ,{ "CSVNet_Guaranteed"      , "Cash Surr\nValue"   ,   "999,999" }
+            ,{ "EOYDeathBft_Guaranteed" , "Death\nBenefit"     , "9,999,999" }
+            ,{ ""                       , " "                  ,         "-" }
+            ,{ "AcctVal_Midpoint"       , "Account\nValue"     ,   "999,999" }
+            ,{ "CSVNet_Midpoint"        , "Cash Surr\nValue"   ,   "999,999" }
+            ,{ "EOYDeathBft_Midpoint"   , "Death\nBenefit"     , "9,999,999" }
+            ,{ ""                       , " "                  ,         "-" }
+            ,{ "AcctVal_Current"        , "Account\nValue"     ,   "999,999" }
+            ,{ "CSVNet_Current"         , "Cash Surr\nValue"   ,   "999,999" }
+            ,{ "EOYDeathBft_Current"    , "Death\nBenefit"     , "9,999,999" }
+            };
+        return columns;
+    }
+    int render_or_measure(int pos_y, enum_output_mode output_mode)
+    {
+        auto& writer = pdf_context_for_html_output.writer();
+        auto& dc = writer.dc();
+        wxDCFontChanger set_smaller_font(dc, dc.GetFont().Smaller());
+        illustration_table_generator table{create_table_generator(writer)};
+        // Output multiple rows of headers.
+        // Make a copy because we want pos_y to be modified only once, not
+        // twice, by both output_super_header() calls.
+        auto y_copy = pos_y;
+        table.output_super_header
+            ("Guaranteed Values"
+            ,column_guar_account_value
+            ,column_separator_guar_non_guar
+            ,&y_copy
+            ,output_mode
+            );
+        table.output_super_header
+            ("Non-Guaranteed Values"
+            ,column_mid_account_value
+            ,column_max
+            ,&pos_y
+            ,output_mode
+            );
+        pos_y += table.get_separator_line_height();
+        table.output_horz_separator
+            (column_guar_account_value
+            ,column_separator_guar_non_guar
+            ,pos_y
+            ,output_mode
+            );
+        table.output_horz_separator
+            (column_mid_account_value
+            ,column_max
+            ,pos_y
+            ,output_mode
+            );
+        y_copy = pos_y;
+        table.output_super_header
+            ("Midpoint Values"
+            ,column_mid_account_value
+            ,column_separator_mid_cur
+            ,&y_copy
+            ,output_mode
+            );
+        table.output_super_header
+            ("Current Values"
+            ,column_cur_account_value
+            ,column_max
+            ,&pos_y
+            ,output_mode
+            );
+        pos_y += table.get_separator_line_height();
+        table.output_horz_separator
+            (column_mid_account_value
+            ,column_separator_mid_cur
+            ,pos_y
+            ,output_mode
+            );
+        table.output_horz_separator
+            (column_cur_account_value
+            ,column_max
+            ,pos_y
+            ,output_mode
+            );
+        table.output_header(&pos_y, output_mode);
+        pos_y += table.get_separator_line_height();
+        table.output_horz_separator(0, column_max, pos_y, output_mode);
+        // And now the table values themselves.
+        auto const& columns = get_table_columns();
+        std::vector<std::string> values(columns.size());
+        auto const& ledger = pdf_context_for_html_output.ledger();
+        auto const& invar = ledger.GetLedgerInvariant();
+        auto const& interpolate_html = 
+        int const year_max = 
+        int const age_last = 70;
+        std::array<int, 4> const summary_years =
+            {{5, 10, 20, age_last - bourn_cast<int>(invar.Age)}
+            };
+        for(auto const& year : summary_years)
+            {
+            // Skip row if it doesn't exist. For instance, if the issue
+            // age is 85 and the contract remains in force until age 100,
+            // then there is no twentieth duration and no age-70 row.
+            if(!(0 < year && year <= year_max))
+                {
+                continue;
+                }
+            switch(output_mode)
+                {
+                case e_output_measure_only:
+                    pos_y += table.row_height();
+                    break;
+                case e_output_normal:
+                    for(std::size_t col = 0; col < columns.size(); ++col)
+                        {
+                        std::string const variable_name = 
+                        // According to regulations, we need to replace the
+                        // policy year in the last row with the age.
+                        if(col == column_policy_year)
+                            {
+                            if(&year == &summary_years.back())
+                                {
+                                std::ostringstream oss;
+                                oss << "Age " << age_last;
+                                values[col] = oss.str();
+                                continue;
+                                }
+                            }
+                        // Special hack for the dummy columns whose value is 
+                        // empty as it's used only as separator.
+                        values[col] = variable_name.empty()
+                            ? std::string{}
+                            : interpolate_html.evaluate(variable_name, year - 
+                            ;
+                        }
+                    table.output_row(&pos_y, values.data());
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        return pos_y;
+    }
+    // This is ugly, but we have to use a global variable to make pdf_writer_wx
+    // and wxDC objects used by the main code accessible to this cell class,
+    // there is no way to pass them as parameters through wxHTML machinery.
+    //
+    // To at least make it a little bit safer to deal with this, the variable
+    // itself is private and a public pdf_context_setter class is provided to
+    // actually set it.
+    class pdf_context
+    {
+      public:
+        void set
+            (Ledger const* ledger
+            ,pdf_writer_wx* writer
+            ,html_interpolator const* interpolate_html
+            )
+        {
+            ledger_ = ledger;
+            writer_ = writer;
+            interpolate_html_ = interpolate_html;
+        }
+        Ledger const& ledger() const
+        {
+            LMI_ASSERT(ledger_);
+            return *ledger_;
+        }
+        pdf_writer_wx& writer() const
+        {
+            LMI_ASSERT(writer_);
+            return *writer_;
+        }
+        html_interpolator const& interpolate_html() const
+        {
+            LMI_ASSERT(interpolate_html_);
+            return *interpolate_html_;
+        }
+      private:
+        Ledger const* ledger_ = nullptr;
+        pdf_writer_wx* writer_ = nullptr;
+        html_interpolator const* interpolate_html_ = nullptr;
+    };
+    static pdf_context pdf_context_for_html_output;
+    friend pdf_context_setter;
+// Custom tag which is replaced by the numeric summary table.
+    {
+        // The tag argument would be useful if we defined any parameters for
+        // it, but currently we don't.
+        stifle_warning_for_unused_value(tag);
+        m_WParser->GetContainer()->InsertCell(new 
+        // This tag isn't supposed to have any inner contents, so return true
+        // to not even try parsing it.
+        return true;
+    }
+// In wxWidgets versions prior to 3.1.1, there is an extra semicolon at the end
+// of TAGS_MODULE_BEGIN() expansion resulting in a warning with -pedantic used
+// by lmi, so suppress this warning here (this could be removed once 3.1.1 is
+// required).
+    TAGS_MODULE_ADD(numeric_summary_table)
 // Numeric summary page appears twice, once as a normal page and once as an
 // attachment, with the only difference being that the base class is different,
 // so make it a template to avoid duplicating the code.
@@ -1719,6 +2068,9 @@ class numeric_summary_or_attachment_page
+        numeric_summary_table_cell::pdf_context_setter
+            set_pdf_context(ledger, writer, interpolate_html);
diff --git a/numeric_summary.mustache b/numeric_summary.mustache
index fa224e4..01a7779 100644
--- a/numeric_summary.mustache
+++ b/numeric_summary.mustache
@@ -14,6 +14,21 @@ dollars
+This is a workaround for what looks like a wxHTML bug, without explicitly
+resetting the alignment here, the next paragraph would be centered, somehow
+keeping the center alignment of the last "p" tag above.
+<p align="left"></p>
     The year of policy lapse on a guaranteed, midpoint

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