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[Linphone-developers] How to make a video phone call directly?

From: Xaree
Subject: [Linphone-developers] How to make a video phone call directly?
Date: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 18:14:04 +0800
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.0

Hello all,

I want to make a video phone call directly (one-step). It means that when the user presses the video phone button, a video phone call request is sent to the destination.

I code as following (iOS development in Xcode):

        LinphoneCore *lc = ...;
        const char *callDest = ...;

        LinphoneAddress* linphoneAddress = linphone_address_new(callDest);
LinphoneCallParams* lcallParams = linphone_core_create_default_call_parameters(lc);

        // Set for video phone
        linphone_call_params_enable_video(lcallParams, TRUE);
        linphone_core_set_video_device(lc, [self cameraID]);

        // Invite
LinphoneCall *call = linphone_core_invite_address_with_params(lc, linphoneAddress, lcallParams);


Did I implement right?

I have no idea how to implement the destination side to accept the video phone (in which callback and how).

Hope anyone could help me with this.

Best regards,
Xaree Lee

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