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[Linphone-developers] Linphone - Detect video size change OR set proport

From: Gonzalo Larralde
Subject: [Linphone-developers] Linphone - Detect video size change OR set proportions to fill scale the screen.
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 10:06:01 -0300

Hi Guys.

I'm trying to configure the video view to fill the entire screen proportionally. I'm working with 2 different approachs to accomplish this, but both requires me to get an event fired when the video size changes. 

My constraints are: I'm running this on iOS and Android, and I can't modify nor patch liblinphone code. 

The thing is, I couldn't find an event to set a hook and get notified of this event. I've set a timer to check the video resolution with an 100ms interval, as a temporary / testing solution. I can't use this in production because the video glitch is very noticeable.

Digging into the code, I've found there are two events I can eventually override (by replacing the internal Linphone callback and putting a proxy that intercepts the cb, detects the msg, and call the proper function):

2014-07-10 09:59:55.050 [79764:60b] event_cb called 1074069760
2014-07-10 09:59:55.050 [79764:60b] First video frame decoded successfully

As soon as this log entries are displayed my resolution change detector, fires.

So, I noticed that maybe I can override this callback: video_stream_event_cb. I'm working on this.

BUT (tl;dr? get here!)

I wanted to check with you guys, if there's a more reliable/official way to be noticed of resolution changes, or to set the video view to fulfill the entire rect properly.

Thanks in advance.


Gonzalo Larralde.

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