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Solving espressivo problem

From: morten
Subject: Solving espressivo problem
Date: Sat, 11 May 2024 11:40:47 +0000

Dear list

I am trying to solve this problem about espressivos that stretches over four beats. I have tried many versions but not seems to solve it
The c1 and the b4 c2 b4 bars work as I hoped for.
the b2 c2 bar and the a2~ a2 does not give the wished for results.
Can anybody help?

\version "2.24.3"

stuff = \relative {
    \time 4/4
r4 b'4 a2~\< <>\! a2\> <>\! b4 4( c1\espressivo) b2\< <>\!\> c2\! c1\espressivo b4\< c2\!\> b4\!
     \bar "|"

\score {
        \new Staff

    \layout {
        \context {




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