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Re: Snippet: Customizing markFormatter

From: Aaron Hill
Subject: Re: Snippet: Customizing markFormatter
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2019 02:33:47 -0700
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.3.8

On 2019-03-22 1:32 am, Valentin Villenave wrote:
On 3/21/19, Aaron Hill <address@hidden> wrote:
In an attempt to hide the Scheme-ness of the above approach, I put
together the following music function which replaces placeholder strings
within the provided markup with the output of the specified formatter

Hi Aaron,
I like what you’re doing! I wonder, though, if there couldn’t be a way
of ``hiding the Scheme-ness’’ without having to add a whole new
function. Besides, \set <property> = <value> is not something we
necessarily want to hide.

That is a fair point. It would be easy enough to change \customMarkFormatter so that the \set must appear outside:

customMarkFormatter = #(define-scheme-function (markup) (markup?)
  (define (handle-formatter mark context markup)
    (let* ((sym (and (string? markup)
                     (string-prefix? "format-mark" markup)
                     (string->symbol markup)))
           (proc (and sym (defined? sym) (primitive-eval sym))))
      (if (procedure? proc) (proc mark context) markup)))
  (define (markup-fixup mark context markup)
    (if (list? markup)
      (map (lambda (elem) (markup-fixup mark context elem)) markup)
      (handle-formatter mark context markup)))
  (lambda (mark context) (markup-fixup mark context markup)))

% ...and later on... %

\set Score.markFormatter = \customMarkFormatter
  \markup \rotate #30 format-mark-circle-numbers

In other words, I dream of having the ability to do just:

\set Score.markFormatter = \markup \italic \etc

The tricky thing with \etc as a pattern is that it presumes something fundamentally singular. While this aligns to the existing formatters which only emit one string, someone might want to have rehearsal marks that also include the current bar number. The formatter ideally should provide the ability to reference multiple contextual properties.

Side note: I do think \etc could be beneficial in a more general sense with markups and stencils. It is sometimes the case that folks desire to augment an existing stencil rather than completely replace it. Thankfully, grob-transformer is a useful tool for supporting this strategy. A nice shortcut would be to use \etc as the placeholder for the original stencil, and perhaps its presence could be detected and the equivalent usage be automatically generated:

\tweak stencil \markup \box \etc

% ...turns into... %

\tweak stencil #(grob-transformer 'stencil (lambda (grob orig)
  (grob-interpret-markup grob #{ \markup \box \stencil $orig #})))

Now, the current "formatter" functions act in two ways: translating
(determining whether marks should be expressed as roman/arabic
numbers, upper/lower case letters including "i" or not) and formatting
(do we want marks to be circled or boxed or italicized or whatever). I
think it would be saner to separate the two:

\set Score.markFormatter = \markup \box \italic #uppercase-letter-etc
\set Score.markFormatter = \markup \circle #arabic-number-etc

I used # instead of \ to clearly illustrate that the last item is not
a markup function, but it could (should) be otherwise.

This pattern resolves the issue I mentioned before, as one is able to be explicit about which translated property (or properties) they would like to insert and where.

Would you agree with such a solution? (Regardless of how we implement it.)

At the end of the day, I am always for separation of concerns.

On 2019-03-22 1:44 am, David Kastrup wrote:
We probably should just extract the respective context variables and put
them in the markup property list for whatever markup command wants to
use them, like we do with title fields.

Would that be something like: \fromproperty #'score:rehearsalMark ?

In terms of extracting variables, is this something that can be done automagically for all properties? Or does it necessitate manual selection?

My concern would be that what entails "the respective context variables" might end up being too constrained. Currently, rehearsalMark and currentBarNumber are probably the only practical variables to extract; but who knows if there isn't something else that could find usefulness down the road.

-- Aaron Hill

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