\version "2.21.0" \language deutsch #(set! paper-alist (cons '("snippet" . (cons (* 100 mm) (* 70 mm))) paper-alist)) \paper { #(set-paper-size "snippet") tagline = ##f indent = 30 } % I have files with defined orchestral voices, like below: trumpet_first = \relative c'' { c d e f } trumpet_second = \relative g' { g a h c } %{ I have a score template for a whole orchestra. To keep this example small I will only show trumpet's staff. The problem I have is that eventually I want to extract voices from my score -- I can do this with tags -- but the voices still are engraved with stems pointed up or down (it depends if it is 1st or 2nd voice). I don't know how to fix it and I would ask you for suggestions and ideas to undo the \voiceOne or \voiceTwo commands. I really like how tags are working, so I would like to stick with them. Or maybe there is a scheme function to call a voice, for example trumpet_second, by a symbol?: \score { #(call-voice-by-symbol 'trumpet_second) } %} orchestral_score = << \new Staff = "Trumpets" << \set Staff.instrumentName = "Trumpet I II in B" \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "Tr" \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"trumpet" \new Voice = "Trumpet I" { \voiceOne \transposition b \tag #'tag_trumpet_first \trumpet_first } \new Voice = "Trumpet II" { \voiceTwo \transposition b \tag #'tag_trumpet_second \trumpet_second } >> >> % This is how my orchestral score is engraved and it is fine: \score { \orchestral_score } % This is a voice extracted with a tag and the result is not satisfying me. \score { \keepWithTag #'tag_trumpet_second \orchestral_score \layout { \context { \Staff \remove Instrument_name_engraver } } } % I want it to look like this. \score { \trumpet_second }