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Unusual repeat/chorus structure

From: Don Gingrich
Subject: Unusual repeat/chorus structure
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2017 15:24:48 +1000
User-agent: KMail/4.14.10 (Linux/4.1.39-53-default; KDE/4.14.18; x86_64; ; )


As part of an on-going project to convert all of the tunes that 
I play regularly to Lilypond I'm trying to typeset a song with 
the structure:

        verse - chorus
        verse - chorus
        verse - chorus

This particular tune started in MuseScore and was exported
as XML. The export/import did not go well, though I'd suggest
that the problem was more likely to have been the export
rather than the import. This is a complex structure, in any case.

I'm getting close to the score that I want, but there's still a repeat 
bar showing up where I don't want it.

I've done my best to reduce it to basics, while giving the flavour
of what I'm trying to achieve.

The repeat before the 2,4 ending is the problem.

I feel like I've got really close, BUT.....

If I could reduce the vertical spacing in the note
"Can modulate ..... verse 5" that would be a bonus.

Thanks for your help

Don Gingrich

------------------------------------ begin -----------------------------------
\version "2.18.2"
% started as a MusicXML to ly conversion, but it's been hacked a *lot*
% initial conversion was a disaster, but it's a really complex score and
% MuseScore may well have generated dodgy XML

\header {
  title = "Mr Bojangles"

Tune =  \relative d' {
  \clef "treble" 
  \key g \major 
  \time 3/4 
  \partial 8 
  d8 | % 1
  \repeat volta 5 {  
    b'8 a8 b4 a8 b8  \bar "||" % 2
    % Main part of verse here
    a2. ~ | % 26
      \line {\teeny{\italic "Can modulate" }} 
      \line{\teeny{\italic "to D7 and repeat"}} 
      \line {\teeny{\italic " \"Please\" verse 5"}}}
    } r2 | % 27
    r2. \bar"|"
  \alternative {   
    \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta " 2, 4")end-repeat ){
      \bar ":|."
    \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta " 1, 3, 5") ){
      r2. | % 31
      % chorus here
      e'8 e8 fis2  | % 32
      d8 b8 a2  | % 33
      g2. | % 44
      r2.^\markup{\small {\italic "D.C. on 1 & 3"}}
      \bar "|."

LyricsOne =  \lyricmode {
  I knew a man Bo -- jan 
  __ Mis -- ter Bo -- jan -- \skip4 "gles " __ "dance " __
LyricsTwo =  \lyricmode {
  I met him in a cell
LyricsThree =  \lyricmode {
  He  said the name Bo -- jan
LyricsFour =  \lyricmode {
  He  danc'd for those at Min
LyricsFive =  \lyricmode {
  He said I dance now at

% The score definition
\score {
    \new Staff <<
      \context Staff <<
        \context Voice = "Song" { \Tune }
        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Song" \LyricsOne
        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Song" \LyricsTwo
        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Song" \LyricsThree
        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Song" \LyricsFour
        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Song" \LyricsFive

  \layout {}
  \midi {}

------------------------------------- end 

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