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Re: Double Bar with Grace Notes Problem

From: Phil Holmes
Subject: Re: Double Bar with Grace Notes Problem
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2017 09:37:24 +0100

If you read - specifically Known issues and warnings, you'll see that you need to have equal length grace notes or rests in all parts.  This can be done with spacer rests.  The second bar of clarinet 2 should be:

\grace s8 d''8 r8 \grace s8 d''8 r8 r4 |

Phil Holmes
----- Original Message -----
From: Bill Kone
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 6:36 AM
Subject: Double Bar with Grace Notes Problem

I have a lot of concert/marching band music some of which is old hand written manuscript. From time-to-time  I try to transcribe the hand-written manuscript to a much more readable  product.

Generally I do each instrument then combine them into a score.


The problem is, in this case as shown in the sample below and attached image, that a double bar before the grace notes, on the clarinet 1 and 2  seems to cause a separate bar line, which also increments the measure counter, but only on the score.


Below is an extraction as a two staff script (the same as when each independent part is combined into a score). Each part needs to have the same bar markings so I can’t just leave the double bar out on a couple of parts.


In this case I just took the double bars out completely from all the parts but I am still wondering if it is my ignorance or what seems to me to be a bug.


In the attached script, by commenting out the double bar in the clarinet2 staff the problem goes away on the conductor’s score but of course now the clarinet2 part has a missing double bar.


I tried creating a variable defined as:  dblbar= { \bar “||” } then on the conductor score defined it as: dlbar = {} for all but the top line of the conductor’s score in this case the flute. I believe it might work but made management more difficult for something that I figured I was doing wrong.

Any thoughts?


See also attached image


\version "2.18.2"



  \new GrandStaff <<


    \new Staff = "Clarinet1"


      \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Clar1"

      \time 3/4

      g''8 r8 g8 r8 r4 |

      \bar "||"

      \grace {g'16 ( b'16} d''8 )

      r8\grace {g'16 ( b'16} d''8 ) r8 r4 |




    \new Staff = "clarinet2"


      \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { Clar2 }

      \time 3/4

      g''8 r8 g8 r8 r4 |


      % -- If I comment out this bar formats OK

      \bar "||"

      % ------------------------------


      d''8 r8 d''8 r8 r4 |





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