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Re: Scheme finction fo get markup from scheme list of strings?

From: Dmytro O. Redchuk
Subject: Re: Scheme finction fo get markup from scheme list of strings?
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2017 17:54:28 +0200

2017-03-06 17:34 GMT+02:00 Jeffery Shivers <address@hidden>:
> or even the latter part as:
>     #(all-the-markup-lists-in-scheme verses)
Yes, like this.

Having defined N verses --- i wishto be able to decide how to display them.

One verse should be centered in \fill-line, two verses should be
placed in one \fill-line as a columns; may be some additional
"incapsulations" for verse number in column near to verse's column...

Actually i have a friend of mine who helps to type scores without any
knowledge of lilypond file structure --- i have provided her with a
template, and she simply puts voice notation inside voice files
(everything inside \relative c' { ... } or like that). [For some
reasons] she will not learn markup commands, but i really need her
help and she really wants to help :)

And she typed *a lot* (i could provide a link to site).

Regarding "what i have tried" --- to learn how to loop over lists and
create markups i've tried something like this:

; for a case when "verseList" is a list of string:
#(define (display-verses verses)
   (if (not (null? verses))
        (markup (car verses))
        (display-verses (cdr verses)))))

\markuplist {
  #(display-verses verseList)

This throws "not a markup" --- and i guess i understand why (it should
be a markup function).

Then i've tried to create a markup function like this one, but it can
not be recursive (display-verses is undefined inside display-verses).

So, i've asked for help.

Probably, i should look iside some lilypond's .scm to get some lighting.

  Dmytro O. Redchuk

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