\version "2.19.48" % This has to be available \include "notation-snippets/shaping-bezier-curves/compound-slurs.ily" \paper { indent = 0 ragged-last = ##f markup-system-spacing.minimum-distance = 25 score-markup-spacing.minimum-distance = 12 page-count = 1 } \header { title = "Compound Slurs With Straight Segments" subtitle = "Using openLilyLib/snippets" } straight = ^\compoundSlur \with { % annotate = ##t %show-grid = ##t start-angle = 60 end-angle = 60 start-ratio = 0.25 end-ratio = 0.3 inflection = #'((X-ratio . .15) (Y-offset . 10) (ratio-left . .5) (angle . straight) ) inflection = #'((X-ratio . .5) (Y-offset . 10) (ratio-right . .8) (angle . 0) ) inflection = #'((X-ratio . .6) (Y-offset . 0) (ratio-left . .5) (angle . straight) ) inflection = #'((X-ratio . .4) (Y-offset . -20) (angle . 0) ) } music = \relative c''' { c -\straight b a g f e d c b a g f e d c d e f g a b c d e f g a b ) } \score { \new Staff \music }