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Re: First measure too far to right

From: Simon Albrecht
Subject: Re: First measure too far to right
Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2016 22:29:46 +0100

On 03.03.2016 21:18, Eric Albert wrote:
I'd also love to know how to:

- have a B minor 7 flat 5 display as "Bm7b5" (rather than the default 
half-diminished symbol, an 'O' with a slash through it)

Customizing chord names is explained in the first of the ‘Selected snippets’ on <>. Adapted to your case, this would be something like the following:

\version "2.18.2"
% modify half-diminished
% Exception music is chords with markups
chExceptionMusic = {
<c es ges bes>1-\markup { \super { 7 \hspace #0.2 \concat { \tiny \raise #0.4 \flat 5 } } }

% Convert music to list and prepend to existing exceptions.
chExceptions = #(append
                 (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions chExceptionMusic #t)

theMusic = \chordmode {
  \set chordNameExceptions = #chExceptions

  \new ChordNames \theMusic
  \new Voice \theMusic

- substitute more warm and friendly fonts for both the chord names and the 

Well, I have no idea what fonts you find ‘warm and friendly’ :-) but you can use something like the following:

\paper {
  fonts = #(make-pango-font-tree
            "EB Garamond"
            "Alegreya Sans"
            "Ubuntu Mono"
            (/ (* staff-height pt) 2.5))

I use to do this by a very handy Frescobaldi snippet – in case you use Frescobaldi. (If not, you might want to check it out – <>). The three fonts are the defaults for Roman, Sans, and Typewriter, respectively. Thus, the Roman font will be used for lyrics and the Sans for chord names – by default. You can override LyricText or ChordName, however.

HTH, Simon

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