\version "2.18.2" %--Default staff size is 20 #(set-global-staff-size 20) \paper { top-margin = 8\mm %-minimum top-margin: 8mm top-markup-spacing.basic-distance = #6 %-dist. from bottom of top margin to the first markup/title markup-system-spacing.basic-distance = #5 %-dist. from header/title to first system top-system-spacing.basic-distance = #12 %-dist. from top margin to system in pages with no titles last-bottom-spacing.basic-distance = #12 %-pads music from copyright block % ragged-bottom = ##f % ragged-last-bottom = ##f } global = { \key f \major \time 3/4 } melody={ \repeat volta 2 \relative c'' { % A section a4 f g | a4 (b) c | c2 b4 | c2.\fermata | a4 bes a | g2 f4 | a2 (g4) | f2. } \break } hymn=\lyricmode { << { % First A section Er -- mun -- tre dich, mein schwa -- cher Geist, und tra -- ge gross Ver -- lan -- gen, %Gott, wie gross ist dei -- ne Gü -- te die mein Herz auf Er -- den schmeckt } \new Lyrics { % Second A section ein klei -- nes Kind, das Va -- ter heisst, mit Freu -- den zu em -- pfan -- gen. %Ach, wie labt sich mein Ge -- mü -- the, wenn mich Noth un Tod er -- schreckt } >> } %-------Typeset music and generate midi \score { \context PianoStaff << %-Midi instrument values at % http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.18/Documentation/snippets/midi#midi-demo-midiinstruments \set PianoStaff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" \new Staff = "upper" { \clef treble \global \new Voice = "melody" \melody} \new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" {\hymn} >> \layout{ } \midi { \tempo 4 = 70 } }