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chord tied to the next measure and then "slurred"/pulled-off

From: Federico Bruni
Subject: chord tied to the next measure and then "slurred"/pulled-off
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2015 15:51:27 +0100

Hi LilyPonders

How would you write the following music?

My favorite is the first one...
The second example is a bug or a limitation of doubleSlurs?
The third is probably the worse (for tablature).

\version "2.19.34"

\paper {
 ragged-last = ##t

myMusic = \relative {
 \set doubleSlurs = ##t

 % My favorite
 r2^"1. doubleSlurs on, slur from first chord" <c' a>( ~ q <b g>)

% The tied a should be shown in parentheses on Tabstaff, as doubleSlurs is true.
 r2^"2. doubleSlurs on, slur from tied chord" <c a> ~ q( <b g>)

 \set doubleSlurs = ##f
r2^"3. doubleSlurs off, manual slurs from tied chord" <c a> ~ <c\=1( a\=2(> <b\=1) g\=2)>

\score {
 \new StaffGroup <<
   \new Staff { \clef "treble_8" \myMusic }
   \new TabStaff { \new TabVoice \myMusic }
 \layout { indent = 0 }

Attachment: chord-slur-tabstaff.png
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