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Re: How to write slurs and ties with scheme

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Re: How to write slurs and ties with scheme
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2015 12:26:55 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Rachael Thomas <address@hidden> writes:

> Hello All:
> I am attempting to typeset some fingerstyle guitar music.  We extensively
> use the TabStaff for the visual representation of this music.  I have a lot
> of trouble with Slurs and Ties in the TabStaff.  If I could individually
> instantiate Slurs and Ties my life would be much easier. I think that the
> easiest way to do this is through a scheme function involving SlurEvent and
> Spanners. However, my coding is not up to this at the moment.
> I really like the solution that was proposed for Issue 3031:
> However, it truly doesn't do anything.  Could someone enlightenment me as
> to why it isn't doing anything?

Because it states "So some 'fully tie and slur' syntax would be
ideal. Some ideas:"

This is not a solution.  It is a proposal for user interfaces for the
not-yet-existing solution.

> An example of what I want is attached as well as a brief snippet of code
> which demonstrates that I am unable to get the desired effect.
> \version "2.18.2"
> \new TabStaff {
>   \tabFullNotation
> < bis'\1 g\4>16[( < fis'\2 ees\5> < g d>)]
> }

At the current point of time, slurs are only from one chord in a Voice
to the next chord in a Voice.  So you'd need to put your notes into
different Voice contexts in order to be able to slur them individually.
However, Stems are strictly a single-Voice phenomenon.  So you need to
put your notes in the same Voice.

Solutions to this contradictions may involve putting invisible noteheads
in a separate Voice and place a slur to them, or move the Stem_engraver
to Staff level (which is infeasible if you ever have more than one Stem
per timestep) or create an optional context level below Voice level and
move the Slur_engraver there.

Or wait for someone to implement slurs starting from a particular note
rather than a whole chord.

David Kastrup

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