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Re: \uppercase function

From: Thomas Morley
Subject: Re: \uppercase function
Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2015 02:38:07 +0200

2015-04-09 23:42 GMT+02:00 David Nalesnik <address@hidden>:
> Kieren,
>> On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 3:02 PM, Kieren MacMillan
>> <address@hidden> wrote:
>>> Here’s the concrete use-case:
>>> 1. I have musical theatre pieces with (naturally enough) title case
>>> titles, such as “My Lucky Day”.
>>> 2. When they’re included in the Piano/Conductor score (or other score
>>> from the regular performance materials), the title should remain in title
>>> case.
>>> 3. When they’re included in a songbook, I’m trying to show the title in
>>> the the expected format, which is all-caps (cf. modern Warner-Chappell
>>> imprints), e.g., “MY LUCKY DAY”.
>>> 4. I want to accomplish this entirely in the stylesheets, and not have to
>>> have two different ways of inputting the title in the code/content.
>  I have no idea how intricate your workflow is, but could you adapt
> something like the following?
> Create a file "header.ily":
> %%%%%%%%%
> \header {
>   title = "My Lucky Day"
>   title = #(cond
>             ((defined? 'songbook) (string-upcase title))
>             ((defined? 'regular-performance-materials) title)
>             (else title))
> }
> %%%%%%%%%%%
> Then
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> \version "2.19"
> #(define songbook #t)
> \include "header.ily"
> {
>   c
> }
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> Perhaps you could define songbook on the command line.
> --David
> _______________________________________________
> lilypond-user mailing list
> address@hidden


well, it is possible.

\version "2.19.18"

  (fromproperty-upcase layout props args)(markup-list?)
    (let* ((proc
             (lambda (a)
               (let ((fromproperty-markup?
                        (lambda (m) (if (procedure? m)
                                    (eq? 'fromproperty-markup
                                         (procedure-name m))))))
                    ((and (list? a)
                          (not (null? a)) ;; hmm, can the argument ever be null?
                          (fromproperty-markup? (car a)))

                      (let* ((prop-arg (chain-assoc-get (last a) props))
                             (fromprop-arg (if (not (list? prop-arg))
                                               (list prop-arg)
                               (if (procedure? (car fromprop-arg))
                                   (last fromprop-arg)
                        (if prop-arg
                            (list ""))
                    (else (list ""))))))
              (car (map proc args)))
                (lambda (s)
                  (if (string? s)
                      (string-upcase s)
                (if (not (list? first-arg))
                    (list first-arg)

    (interpret-markup-list layout props (remove string-null? first-arg-upcase))

\paper {
  bookTitleMarkup =
      \fill-line {
        \fromproperty-upcase { \fromproperty #'header:dedication }

\header {
  dedication =
    \markup { \with-color #red \draw-line #'(0 . 1) "Testing Booktitle" }

{ c''1 }

This derived from my line-parts from

Never got a feed-back, so I abondanded work on it...


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