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Re: book parts and page breaks

From: bart deruyter
Subject: Re: book parts and page breaks
Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2015 20:10:21 +0100


when I started with lilypond it was confusing for me too. You can however have multiple score blocks in one file. Then they don't end up on one system.

My workflow on large amounts of exercises is as such:

- create a file for each exercise
- create a new file, in which you include the seperate exercises.
- only use bookparts when it are sections that start on a new page, and/or might need a different layout.

Here is an example of what I did:

\version "2.19.16"
\paper {
  indent = 0\mm 
\header {
 tagline = "" 

\include ""  
\include ""  
\include ""  
\include ""  
\include ""  

In this case, each .ly file contains a score. 

Of course you can write the different scores in one file, but I find it better not to. The advantage is that  you can reuse the seperate exercises if you have to make a different collection of exercises for one particular task/student/group of students. 

If you want different scores in one file without bookpart you can do the following. It does not get rendered in one system.

exerciseOne= \relative c'' {
a b c d e

exerciseTwo = \relative c' {
a b c d e
\score {
\new Staff { \exerciseOne }
\layout { }
\midi{ }

\score {
\new Staff { \exerciseTwo }
\layout { }
\midi{ }

I hope this helped.


2015-03-15 18:28 GMT+01:00 Francesco Petrogalli <address@hidden>:
> Have you considered modifying the \header format for scores? If I were in
> your situation, I might try modifying scoreTitleMarkup to look the way I
> wanted. There are some examples at
> <>

Well, the problem with such modification is that I don't know how to
place multiple exercises in the same score.
If I place multiple staves in a score, they get rendered together in
the same system.


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