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Re: Lyric syllables

From: Charles Johnson
Subject: Re: Lyric syllables
Date: Thu, 05 Feb 2015 13:22:45 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Icedove/31.4.0

On 05/02/15 10:43, Phil Holmes wrote:
> Most people, I think, prefer code inline where this is possible.  If
> not, attachments are OK. 


The following illustrates the syllable thing, but the slightly bigger
problem is reproduction of the verse numbers is slightly out of whack.
Is there a remedy for this? I have to say that i have simplified the
original round-tripping of the various import-exports that went on.

\version "2.18.2"

% automatically converted by musicxml2ly from s-1.xml

\header {

  poet = "One-in-a-bar"

  encodingsoftware = "PDFtoMusic Pro v1.5.0 Build 14482 (c) Myriad -";

  composer = Schein

  title = "Surrexit Christus"


#(set-global-staff-size 19.1113832445)

\paper {

  paper-width = 20.99\cm

  paper-height = 29.7\cm

  top-margin = 1.0\cm

  bottom-margin = 1.0\cm

  left-margin = 1.0\cm

  right-margin = 1.0\cm


\layout {

  \context { \Score

  autoBeaming = ##f



    Soprano =  \relative e' {

      \clef "treble" \stopStaff \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-count =

      #5 \startStaff \key g \major \time 3/4

      % \break e4 s2 | % 2

      \partial 4 e4 |

      g2 g4 | % 3

      b2 g4 | % 4

      \time 2/4  g2 ( | % 5

      fis2 ) | % 6

      e2 | % 7

      fis2 | % 8

      a4 a4 | % 9

      b2 | 

      a2 | % 11

      b4 g4 ~ | % 12

      g4 fis4 | % 13

      \time 3/4  g2 g4 | % 14

      b2 g4 | % 15

      fis2 fis4 | % 16

      e2 e4 | % 17

      fis2 gis4 | % 18

      \time 2/4  a4. g8 _. | % 19

      a4 _. g4 _. | 

      \time 3/4  fis4. e8 _. e4 ~ | % 21

      \time 2/4  e4 dis4 | % 22

      e2 \bar "|."


    Alto =  \relative b {

      \clef "treble" \stopStaff \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-count =

      #5 \startStaff \key g \major \time 3/4 

      \partial 4 b4 | % 2

      e2 e4 | % 3

      g2 e4 | % 4

      \time 2/4  d2 ~ 

      d2 | % 6

      d4 ( cis4 ) | % 7

      d2 | % 8

      fis4 fis4 

      g2 | 

      fis2 | % 11

      g4 d4 ~ | % 12

      d4 d4 

      \time 3/4  d2 d4 | % 14

      g2 d4 | % 15

      d2 d4 | % 16

      d2 cis4 

      d2 d4 | % 18

      \time 2/4  c4. d8 _. | % 19

      e4 _. e4 _. | 

      \time 3/4  d4. b8 _. b4 ~ 

      \time 2/4  b4 b4 | % 22

      b2 \bar "|." }

      SopranoVerseOne =  \lyricmode { "1.Sur" -- re -- xit Chri --

      stus ho -- di -- "e," Al -- le -- lu -- "ia," Al -- le -- lu --

      "ia," Hu -- ma -- no pro so -- la -- mi -- "ne," Al -- le -- e -- e

      -- e -- e -- e -- e -- lu -- "ia." }

      SopranoVerseTwo =  \lyricmode { "2. Mor" -- tem qui pa --

      ssus pri -- di -- e, Al -- le -- lu -- ia, Al -- le -- lu --

      ia, mi -- se -- rri -- mo pro ho -- mi -- ne, Al -- le -- e -- e

      -- e -- e -- e -- e -- lu -- ia. }

      SopranoVerseThree =  \lyricmode { "3. Mu" -- lie -- er -- es ad tu -- mu 
-- lum,

      Al -- le -- lu -- ia, Al -- le -- lu --

      ia, por -- ta -- ver -- unt a -- ro -- ma -- ta, Al -- le -- e -- e

      -- e -- e -- e -- e -- lu -- ia. }

      AltoVerseFour =  \lyricmode { "4. Di" -- sci -- pu -- lis hoc di -- ci -- 

      Al -- le -- lu -- ia, Al -- le -- lu --

      ia, su -- rrex -- it Chri -- stus ho -- di -- e, Al -- le -- e -- e

      -- e -- e -- e -- e -- lu -- ia. }

      AltoVerseFive =  \lyricmode { "5. In" hoc Pa -- schal -- i gau -- di -- o,

      Al -- le -- lu -- ia, Al -- le -- lu --

      ia, be -- ne -- dic -- a -- mus Do -- mi -- no, Al -- le -- e -- e

      -- e -- e -- e -- e -- lu -- ia. }

      AltoVerseSix =  \lyricmode { "6. Lau" -- de -- tur sanc -- ta Tri -- ni 
-- tas,

      Al -- le -- lu -- ia, Al -- le -- lu --

      ia, De -- o di -- ca -- mus gra -- ti -- as, Al -- le -- e -- e

      -- e -- e -- e -- e -- lu -- ia. }

      % The score definition

      \score {


      \new ChoirStaff <<

        \new Staff = "sopranos" <<

          %\new Lyrics \lyricsto "Soprano" \SopranoVerseOne

          %\new Lyrics \lyricsto "Soprano" \SopranoVerseTwo

          %\new Lyrics \lyricsto "Soprano" \SopranoVerseThree

          \new Voice = "sopranos" {




        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" {



        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" {



        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" {



        \new Staff = "altos" <<

          %\new Lyrics \lyricsto "Alto" \AltoVerseFour

          %\new Lyrics \lyricsto "Alto" \AltoVerseFive

          %\new Lyrics \lyricsto "Alto" \AltoVerseSix

          \new Voice = "altos" {




        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "altos" {



        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "altos" {



        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "altos" {





    \layout {}

    % To create MIDI output, uncomment the following line:

    %  \midi {}


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