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From: Urs Liska
Subject: Re: MEI
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2014 11:50:49 +0100
User-agent: K-9 Mail for Android

David Kastrup <address@hidden> schrieb:
>Philip Rhoades <address@hidden> writes:
>> Kevin,
>> On 2014-01-11 17:40, Kevin Tough wrote:
>>> From a Fringe Coder,
>>> I like Vim (text editor).
>> The choice of champions!
>>> I like to code with minimal but descriptive
>>> syntax(ie. Visual Basic).
>> Basic will cause brain damage - try Ruby!
>For minimal but descriptive?  More like Lua.  Ruby is going the way of
>Perl, dragging too much stuff into it without a plan.
>>> If MusicXML is guided by the right people and does become/is a
>>> definitive standard that can support the keywords and other
>>> particulars of lilypond code, then this might be a great opportunity
>>> for the lilypond community.
>> I hope so.
>MusicXML is not useful for writing music.  Most of the user pressure
>regarding LilyPond's syntax is to be writing stuff more convenient,
>natural, more whatever category totally out of MusicXML's ballpark.
>I expect to be about as many people writing MusicXML by hand as are
>people writing PDF by hand.

That's what that MEI guy said: they're lacking a convenient editing environment.
This would be a good niche for LilyPond: acting as a more concise input 
language while at the same time working as an engraving engine.
Frescobaldi is a good compromise in terms of graphical IDE, and I expect that 
we'll soon have an interface that will allow to edit things like comments and 
all the other MEI related metadata in dialogs.

Urs Liska

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