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Re: How to count the number of notes in a .ly file? (David Kastrup)

From: Urs Liska
Subject: Re: How to count the number of notes in a .ly file? (David Kastrup)
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2013 09:59:24 +0100
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Am 11.12.2013 19:47, schrieb Jan Rosseel:
From: Urs Liska <address@hidden>

I repeat my (corrected) suggestion which could be a workaround at
If you can use Frescobaldi from Git you can pull and checkout the
"accounting" branch (not "statistics") of my Frescobaldi fork on (Ah no, you don't necessarily
Git, you can also download a ZIP file of any branch from Github) This
you to copy a rudimentary statistic to clipboard on a file basis (the
document). This contains a line

XX | Note

which you could grep or something like this to get your numbers.

Very hacky but _could_ work if the number of files is not too big.


I'll give that a try after our launch. It would be a good feature to
have in Frescobaldi. It's a common feature in a word processor, and also
belongs in a tool like Frescobaldi.

Yes, I intended to do something about it, but it got surpassed by so many other, more urgent tasks... What I'm thinking of is a detailed statistics panel. This should count all sort of items: Notes, slurs, manual beams, function definitions, function calls etc.

Of course this has to consider a whole score including all includes, but (as you suspected correctly) currently it only works on a single file. I'm thinking of an interface that shows you the include paths and allows you to stop the recursion at any point so libraries aren't accounted for.

A more fancy idea is to give different items a configurable relative weight (e.g.: note=10,articulation=15,\shape=40), and you can then assign a value to the weight units (e.g. 10 = 3Ct.) and get the money you can charge for your work. You'd have to experiment for some time, calculating existing scores until they match the prize you consider appropriate (and realistic), so you could determine a way to (more) reliably charge engraving tasks based on the content instead of only number of pages.

Anybody interested in joining this is welcome (although I'm currently not planning to do any work on this).


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