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Re: System Vertical Spacing and Lyric Placement

From: Thomas Morley
Subject: Re: System Vertical Spacing and Lyric Placement
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 23:59:31 +0200

2013/7/10 Eric Pancer <address@hidden>:
> Thank you very much, your suggestions helped the situation. I have two
> more issues.
> On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 5:04 PM, Thomas Morley <address@hidden> wrote:
>> 2013/7/9 Eric Pancer <address@hidden>:
>>> I'm working on the following file but having some issues where
>>> formatting tricks don't seem to be working. A couple of questions:
>>> 1. How can I increase the veritical space between the systems ? The
>>> \paper configuration of "markup-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #20"
>>> doesn't seem to really help the situation.
>> How about
>> system-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #120 % adjust the value
>> in \paper
> This works fine. Another \layout vs. \paper issue I'm having is the following:
> \layout {
>         \context {
>                 \StaffGroup
>                 \override StaffGrouper
>                     #'staff-staff-spacing #'basic-distance = #12
>         }
> }
> This snippet works, but if I try and place it in \paper, as follows,
> the staff-staff spacing does not work.
> \paper {
>         default-staff-staff-spacing #'basic-distance = #12
> }
> system-system-spacing *does* work in \paper, so I'm confused as to why
> default-staff-staff-spacing does not.

Well, at the time the new spacing-routines were implemented, I was
confused, too.
And to be honest, I'm still confused (from time to time).
The only thing I could recommend is to read
NR 4.1 Page layout
NR 4.2 Score layout
NR 4.4 Vertical spacin
again, and again, and again ... ;)

You'll find 'system-system-spacing' listed in the
"List of flexible vertical spacing \paper variables" NR 4.1.4
You _can_ set it in \paper.

But 'default-staff-staff-spacing' is listed in
"Properties of the VerticalAxisGroup grob" NR 4.4.1
You _can't_ set it in \paper.
(It isn't part of "List of flexible vertical spacing \paper variables")
You have to use
\override VerticalAxisGroup ...
in \with

'staff-staff-spacing' is listed in
"Properties of the VerticalAxisGroup grob"
"Properties of the StaffGrouper grob" NR 4.4.1
You _can't_ set it in \paper.
(It isn't part of "List of flexible vertical spacing \paper variables")
You have to use
\override VerticalAxisGroup ...
\override StaffGrouper ...
in \with

Hm, I really don't know if the above is helpful for.
Though, in case I forget:
The only thing I could recommend is to read
NR 4.1 Page layout
NR 4.2 Score layout
NR 4.4 Vertical spacin
again, and again, and again ...

>> \teeny is defined in /ly/
>> teeny = \set fontSize = #-3
>> Choose a lower value.
> Works well, thanks. Is there a way to make this portable so changes to
> /Applications/
> would not be required? If there's a way to avoid having to change
> system files in future upgrades, I'd appreciate the suggestion.

Little misunderstanding here.
I didn't want to say you should change /ly/
But copy the definition to a file, change naming and value of the definition,
par example
veryTeeny = \set fontSize = #-6
include this file via \include "" and use the new
defined \veryTeeny.

Or write the new definition on top of your current ly-file and use it.

> And one last item: what is the tweak to pad more space between the
> last system on a page and the copyright and/or tagline? I've gone
> through a amount of changes but can't determine how to add more space
> so the copyright does not look to be part of the lyrics *grin*

Well, I'm not aware of a simple tweak for this.
In my own files I redefined tagline and copyright:

\version "2.16.2"

\paper {
        ragged-last-bottom = ##f
        tagline = \markup \center-column { \vspace #2 \tagline }

\header {
        copyright = \markup \center-column { \vspace #2 "copyright by me" }

\repeat unfold 20 { cis1 \break }

> Thank you,
> - Eric


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