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Re: LilyPond blog has new home!

From: Urs Liska
Subject: Re: LilyPond blog has new home!
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 11:26:15 +0200
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Hey, this work looks fantastic.

I would really love to include that in my reply post which now looks like
I have elaborated on how easy it is to recreate one example with LilyPond and speculated a bit how one could generate a complete set of patterns with one function call.

_Please_ have a look at the passage after the score example and think about tweaking your work so it can be used for that purpose. I think it would be an absolute killer if we could prove we can re-generate dozens or hundreds of pages of these books with a few dozens of lines of LilyPond code!!!

(See also


PS: One point which could prove difficult is the beaming issue

Am 10.07.2013 11:07, schrieb Karl Hammar:
David Kastrup:
address@hidden (Karl Hammar) writes:

If you look at: &

from his "Binary Theory and Creation of the Fundamental Rhythm
Patterns", you'll see that the table is simply a 

 pattern = 0x00E0; // where each bit '1' is 64th note, '0' 64 pause

 while ( pattern < 0xFF ) {


How hard would that to do in lilypond ?
Well, obviously pretty easy once you have "print_byte" and their ilk.
Without any such helper functions, something like
In the file attached to Davids mail:

\new RhythmicStaff \with { \omit TimeSignature }
{ \time 1/8
  #@(map (lambda (s) #{ <>[ address@hidden s64] | address@hidden r64 | address@hidden c'64 \break #})
	 (map (lambda (pattern)
		(map (lambda (bit)
		       (if (logbit? bit pattern)
			   #{ c'64 #}
			   #{ r64 #}))
		     (iota 7 7 -1)))
	      (iota 16 224 2)))

That was all too easy!!!!

Here is the next version (with barnumber used as exercise no.,
and maybe one should group beams four notes a time):

\paper {
  indent = 0 \mm

#(set-global-staff-size 16) % for A4 at least

\new RhythmicStaff \with { \omit TimeSignature }
  \time 3/8
  \set Score.barNumberVisibility = #all-bar-numbers-visible
  \bar ""
  #@(map (lambda (s) #{ <>[ address@hidden s64] \bar "|" <>[ address@hidden r64] \bar "|" <>[ address@hidden c'64] \break #})
	 (map (lambda (pattern)
		(map (lambda (bit)
		       (if (logbit? bit pattern)
			   #{ c'64 #}
			   #{ r64 #}))
		     (iota 7 7 -1)))
	      (iota 16 224 2)))

  Maybe I will find time to expand this multiple pages...

  It seems that

#(define (byteToPfx byte)
         (map (lambda (bit)
                      (if (logbit? bit byte) #{ c'64 #} #{ r64 #}))
              (iota 8 7 -1)))

#@(byteToPfx 34) c'64

  (Is lilypond-mode up to standard indenting thoose things?)
  is just producing side effects and to be able to return a music
  _expression_, I have to use define-music-function, is it so ?

#(define (showByte  byte) (display byte)(newline))
#(showByte 224)

  works as expected, but for byteToPfx I have to use #@, so is
  returning something, but what is it returning?

/Karl Hammar

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