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Re: Footnote separator line too close

From: Richard Shann
Subject: Re: Footnote separator line too close
Date: Wed, 03 Apr 2013 09:01:35 +0100

Thanks for the suggestion, but what I need is to leave more space before
the first footnote text.
I have made progress: the bug arises only when you don't have a
superscript, (e.g. when you are not using the numbering) **and** when
you have the footnote markup text long enough to extend underneath the
horizontal text.
You can see this if you take the only example in the documentation

that does not use a superscript and extend the line of text:

\book {
  \header { tagline = ##f }
  \relative c' {
    \footnote "*" #'(0.5 . -2) \markup { \italic "* The first note - with this 
footnote text extending a long way across the page .... is too close to the 
line above" }
    a'4 b8
    \footnote \markup { \super "$" } #'(0.5 . 1)
      \markup { \super "$" \italic " The second note" }
    e c4
    \once \override Score.FootnoteItem #'annotation-line = ##f
    b-\footnote \markup \tiny "+" #'(0.1 . 0.1)
      \markup { \super "+" \italic " Editorial" } \p

With the first footnote line extended the hline is unpleasantly close to
the text.
The workaround it to include a superscript :)


On Wed, 2013-04-03 at 07:08 +1100, Nick Payne wrote:
> On 03/04/13 06:24, Richard Shann wrote:
> > I've found that the line dividing the footnote from the music is rather 
> > close to the footnote text.
> > I can see I need to override this definition
> >
> > footnote-separator-markup = \markup \fill-line { \override #'(span-factor . 
> > 1/2) \draw-hline }
> >
> > but I can't see what to add to provide more space under the line ... any 
> > suggestions?
> Just use \vspace within the footnote markup. eg:
> \version "2.17.15"
> \relative f' {
>    \footnote "*" #'(2 . -1) \markup\teeny { \column { \left-align { \line {
>      \concat { \vspace #1 \lower #0.8 \super { * }
>        "At this point the performer may insert an improvisation in the 
> form of a "
>          \italic "Cadenza furiosa" } } \line { " " } } } } c4
> }
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