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Re: Reheaseals with irregular bars

From: Jacques Menu TvTMail
Subject: Re: Reheaseals with irregular bars
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 11:53:17 +0100

Hello Wim,

Thanks for this fast and detailed answer, it is much appreciated!

I'll put your suggestions in practise.
As for the current numbering error, I can circumvent it temporarily by forcing the expected numbers explicitly.

A nice day!


PS> Is there some site where I could contribute the results of my Lilypondings, such as the flute and bassoon parts of this Beethoven trio?

Le 29 oct. 2012 à 10:54:14, Wim van Dommelen <address@hidden> a écrit :

Hi Jacques,

I'm not going to answer all your questions, that is just too much. One advise: cut things in pieces and look for smaller problems. There is a LP problem in the bar numbers in this case (which I really should register as a bug, it increases the measure numbers twice for some reason). And indeed \partial is NOT usable inside a part, because it was really only intended for the beginning to set your barchecks on the right point. But you also don't need it.

For example some of your problems around bar 64 can be done like this, no errors in my compile (using LP 2.16.0 on OS X):

\version "2.16.0"

\relative c {
% some easy debugging settings:
\set Score.barNumberVisibility = #all-bar-numbers-visible
\override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#t #t #t)

\clef bass
\key bes \major
\time 6/8

% because LP will omit this at the beginning of a score,
% but would show if this was done in the middle:
    \bar "|:"
    \repeat volta 2 {
% bar number of the partial measure:
% \set Score.currentBarNumber = #63
\partial 8 d8\p |
% bar number of the next full measure:
\set Score.currentBarNumber = #64
bes'8( a) bes-. d4. |
d8( c) d-. ees4. ~  |
ees8( d) c ~ c bes4 |
bes4. a8 r d,\f |
bes'( a) bes-. c4. |
d8( c) d-. ees4. ~ |
ees8( d) c ~ c( bes) a-. |

% here you just OMIT the barcheck!
g r r r4
    \repeat volta 2 {
% bar number of the partial measure:
% \set Score.currentBarNumber = #71
% because it is HERE!
d'8\p |
% bar number of the next full measure:
\set Score.currentBarNumber = #72
f8( es) d-. d( c) b?-. |
c16-.\f c,-. d-. ees-. f-.( g-. a-. b?-. c d es8) |
es(\p b) c-. c( bes?) a-. |
bes bes c d4 d,8\f |
bes'( a) bes-. c4. |
d8( c) d-. es4.\fermata\p |
d8-. d( c) bes-. bes( a) |
% and again:
g4. r4
    \key g \major
    \time 2/4
    \repeat volta 2 {
% here is the check:
    r8 |
bes8-.\f r d-. r |
g-. r g-. r |
g f? e g |
fis? e d16 r r8 |

- Look carefully which barnumer is displayed where before drawing conclusions. I did set both the partial bars and the whole bars, you can leave out some of the lines, see for yourself;
- Note the placement of the barchecks, I omit them after for example bar 72 before the volta ends, because the bar is not full yet, I place it after the eight note in the second volta;
- I substituted "bes8 (a)" for "bes8( a)". Although the second syntax also works, I see the "(" symbol attached to notes, because the slurs start on these notes;
- I also substituted "^." for "-.", I let LP find out where to put the dot. Only when it goes wrong (which i.m.h.o. is never) I state it explicitly.

The spacing of the s4 (in the 2/4 section) is ugly, but I just placed a \break so you see you can determine the line-break yourself. With more note it will smooth out more. Otherwise throw out the \break line.


On 28 Oct 2012, at 21:35 , Jacques Menu wrote:

Hello folks,

I've been using Lilypond for some time, but Beethoven's Trio X für Klavier, Flöte und Fagott causes me much trouble : "\partial" is not usable inside a part, and Thema andante con variazioni contains tricky rehearsals, like:


After fighting a lot with the problem, I found:

partialInline = #(define-music-function 
(parser location nom den mus) 
(integer? integer? ly:music?) 
\set Score.measurePosition = #(ly:make-moment (- $nom) $den) 

on the Internet.

This helped me obtain the above result, but doesn't solve all issues. 

In the remainder of the piece, I never figured out how to obtain the transition from variation IV to variation V:


I always run into messages such as the following (hence my bar numbers are wrong) : warning: Barcheck failed got 79 expect 81 

because I don't know how to specify the correct "size" for the partial bars involved (by the way, bar number 64 is already wrong):


Here is the code I use:

\tempoMark #3.0 #"Var. IV"

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
\repeat volta 2
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

\partialInline #1 #8
d'8\p |

\myDisplayBarNum\barNumberCheck #65

bes'8 (a) bes^. d4. |
d8 (c) d^. ees4. ~  |
ees8 (d) c ~ c bes4 |
bes4. a8 r8 d,8\f |
bes'8 (a) bes^. c4. |
d8 (c) d^. ees4. ~ |

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
\myBreak\myDisplayBarNum\barNumberCheck #71

ees8 (d) c ~ c (bes) a^. |
g8 r8 r8 r4

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
} %\repeat
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
\repeat volta 2
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

d'8^.\p |
f8 (ees) d^.  d (c) b?^. |
c16^.\f c,^. d^. ees^. f^. (g^. a^. b? c d ees8 ) |
ees8\p (d) c^.  c (bes?) a^. |

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
\myBreak\myDisplayBarNum\barNumberCheck #76

bes8 bes c d4 d,8\f |
bes'8 (a) bes^. c4. |
d8 (c) d^. ees4.\fermata\p |
d8^. d (c) bes^. bes (a) |
g4. r4

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
} %\repeat
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

\key g \major
\time 2/4

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

\tempoMark #3.0 #"Var. V"

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
\repeat volta 2
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

\partialInline #1 #8
r8 |

\myDisplayBarNum\barNumberCheck #81

b8^.\f r8 d8^. r8 |
g8^. r8 g8^. r8 |

A clean solution could be for Lilypond to handle this as is done for slurs, i.e. a set of "markers" such as ( and ) in the latter. I couldn't find anything in this redirection in the docs, though. Is there a hope that Lilypond might go this way?

Any help is welcome!


PS>  I use Lilypond 2.15.11, since 2.16 and 2.17 fail to launch on Mac OS X 10.8.


Jacques Menu
Ch. de la Pierre 12
CH 1023 Crissier


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Bien à toi,
Bien à vous,


Jacques Menu
Ch. de la Pierre 12
1023 Crissier

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