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Re: problem with addTenuto

From: Stefan Thomas
Subject: Re: problem with addTenuto
Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2012 14:25:07 +0200

Dear community,
for those who are interested:
I've found a solution for my problem. I've found it in the older version of

skipTiedNotes = #(define-music-function (parser location music)(ly:music?)
"Add a special tag in 'tags of second tied notes to forbid articulations to be
(let ((prev-was-tied #f))
    (let ((name (name-of evt)))
        ((or (eq? name 'NoteEvent)
             (and (eq? name 'EventChord)
                  (has-notes? evt)))
           (if prev-was-tied (ly:music-set-property! evt 'tags
                    (cons notCopyArticulations (ly:music-property evt 'tags))))
               (set! prev-was-tied (and (eq? (name-of x) 'TieEvent) x))
               prev-was-tied)  ; stop if true
        (else #f))))

addTenuto = #(define-music-function (parser location x) (ly:music?)
  \copyArticulations {c--} { \skipTiedNotes $x }

Musik = \relative { c4 d e f g1 ~ g4 f e d r4 c d 2 }
\new Staff
  \addTenuto  { \Musik } }

2012/9/1 Stefan Thomas <address@hidden>
Dear community,
I know, off course, that the problem with articulations on tied notes is not so important, I'm just curious and maybee I can understand a bit more of the structure of Lilypond.
Could it be possible to generally and automatically avoid articulations of the 2nd of two tied notes?
I tried it, unsuccessfully, with
tildeSymbol = { #(make-music 'TieEvent)   \once \override Script #'stencil = ##f   }

2012/8/31 Stefan Thomas <address@hidden>
Dear Phil,
Yes I've seen skipArti = \tag #skipCurrentArticulation s1*0
but do You think this can be used to filter out some artitulation-events, if needed, automatically?

2012/8/31 David Kastrup <address@hidden>
Stefan Thomas <address@hidden> writes:

> Ok, thanks, I've got it. It's a small bug in copyArticulations, isn't
> it?

Yes and no.  Expecting a particular duration to be set is probably
optimistic after loading an external file.

However, there are some internal music expressions defined in
copyArticulations, and those have a duration of 1*0 as well.  Which is
weird if you actually look at them.

David Kastrup

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