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Re: is shapeSlur broken?

From: Jan-Peter Voigt
Subject: Re: is shapeSlur broken?
Date: Mon, 14 May 2012 12:17:12 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:12.0) Gecko/20120428 Thunderbird/12.0.1

Hello  Harm and list,

thank you very much for this function! I really like it :-)
Now I just wanted to share my way to shorten the input:

\shape #'(((0 . 0)(0 . 0.3)(0 . 0.3)(0 . 0)))
is a long thing to type. Most times I only want to adjust the y-part of the two inner control-points - sligtly. So I use the following:


\version "2.15.38"

% predicate for a number or a list of numbers
#(define (number-or-list? v)

(or (number? v)


(list? v)

(eval `(and ,@(map (lambda (x)`(number? ,x)) v))(interaction-environment))

% shape function, that only touches y-parts of the two inner control-points

ty = #(define-music-function (parser location grob dy)(string? number-or-list?)
; extract scheme-function from shape, to provide location of \ty

(let ((shape-fun (ly:music-function-extract shape)))

(shape-fun parser location grob

(if (list? dy)

(map (lambda (y) `((0 . 0)(0 . ,y)(0 . ,y)(0 . 0)) ) dy)

`((0 . 0)(0 . ,dy)(0 . ,dy)(0 . 0))



\relative c'' {

\ty Tie #'.4 c1 ~ \ty Tie #'(0.4 0) c ~ \break c



We can provide functions, where the control-point-modification is calculated.
In this example, I use ly:music-function-extract to have a scheme-function, that takes the location this shortcut happening. If you use #{ \shape ... #}, any warnings will be shown for the inline code - not the location where \ty (or whatever you call your function) is called. This should be intended behaviour, but it is good to know.

Cheers, Jan-Peter

On 11.05.2012 00:50, Thomas Morley wrote:
Hi David,

I thought a while about your function.
I'd like to suggest some changes. In the attached file you can see:

- Elimination of `function' as argument of shape-curve and introducing
it as local variable.
- A new condition added in shape-curve at the siblings-variable: ly:spanner?
- In the music-function I added a new variable to specify the grob.

These give the advantage to define only one music-function.
Of course there is need to specify which grob should be applied.

But now it works for all curves:


I didn't test it very widly, but what do you think?


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