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help with scheme function

From: Damian leGassick
Subject: help with scheme function
Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2011 12:58:19 +0000

hi all

as you can see below I've got some very repetitive note entry

my attempt at a scheme substitution is not working

can anyone help me out here?



\version "2.13.54"

xenAccGliss = #(define-music-function (parser location nOne nTwo) (ly:music? 
ly:music?) #{ 
                                        \afterGrace $nOne\glissando {\stemDown 
\once \override Stem #'stroke-style = #"grace" $nTwo} #})

cello = {
  \override Glissando #'springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods
  \override Glissando #'minimum-length = #5
  \override Glissando #'thickness = #2
  \clef treble
  #(define afterGraceFraction (cons 15 16))
  \override Beam #'positions = #'(-8 . -8)
  \afterGrace d'''16\glissando {\stemDown \once \override Stem #'stroke-style = 
#"grace" c''16} 
  \afterGrace b''16\glissando {\stemDown \once \override Stem #'stroke-style = 
#"grace" e''16} 
  \afterGrace f'''8\glissando {\stemDown \once \override Stem #'stroke-style = 
#"grace" d'16} 
  \afterGrace c''8\glissando {\stemDown \once \override Stem #'stroke-style = 
#"grace" b''16} 
  \afterGrace gis''16\glissando {\stemDown \once \override Stem #'stroke-style 
= #"grace" f'16} 
  \afterGrace c''16~\glissando {\stemDown \once \override Stem #'stroke-style = 
#"grace" d'16} 
  \afterGrace c''16\glissando {\stemDown \once \override Stem #'stroke-style = 
#"grace" d'16} 
  \xenAccGliss f'4 g''2

\score {
  \new Staff \with {
    instrumentName = "Cello"
  } {\cello }
  \layout { }

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