\version "2.13" #(define linebreakindicator "\\") % \nl command that inserts the placeholder event into a lyrics nl = #(make-music 'LineBreakEvent) %% Function to extract strings from lyrics. % #(define (lyrics->list lyrics) "Return only syllables and hyphens from @code{lyrics}." (if (ly:music? lyrics) (cond ((eq? (ly:music-property lyrics 'name) 'LyricEvent) (ly:music-property lyrics 'text)) ((eq? (ly:music-property lyrics 'name) 'HyphenEvent) (list "--")) ((eq? (ly:music-property lyrics 'name) 'LineBreakEvent) (list linebreakindicator)) (else (let ((elt (ly:music-property lyrics 'element)) (elts (ly:music-property lyrics 'elements))) (if (ly:music? elt) (lyrics->list elt) (if (null? elts) '() (map (lambda(x) (lyrics->list x)) elts))))) ) '())) #(define (flatten-nonmarkup-list x) "Unnest list, but don't flatten markup constructs!" (cond ((null? x) '()) ((not (pair? x)) (list x)) (else (append (if (markup? (car x)) (list (car x)) (flatten-nonmarkup-list (car x))) (flatten-nonmarkup-list (cdr x)))))) #(define (reduce-hyphens text) (let eat ((wd (car text)) (wds (cdr text))) (cond ((null? wds) (list wd)) ((and (equal? "--" (car wds)) (not (null? (cdr wds)))) (eat (markup #:concat (wd (cadr wds))) (cddr wds))) (else (cons (markup wd) (eat (car wds) (cdr wds))))))) #(define (split-on predicate? l) (let loop ((h '()) (r l)) (cond ((null? r) (if (null? h) h (list (reverse h)))) ((predicate? (car r)) (if (null? h) (loop h (cdr r)) (cons (reverse h) (loop '() (cdr r))))) (else (loop (cons (car r) h) (cdr r)))))) #(define-markup-command (verse layout props lyrics) (ly:music?) #:properties ((display-nl #f) (make-line make-justify-markup)) "Verse command that marks up a column of \\nl-separated lines" (let* ((split-cond? (lambda (a) (and (not display-nl ) (equal? a linebreakindicator)))) (list-of-lines (map (lambda (l) (make-line (reduce-hyphens l))) (split-on split-cond? (flatten-nonmarkup-list (lyrics->list lyrics))))) ) (interpret-markup layout props (make-column-markup list-of-lines))) ) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% test = \lyricmode{ Du lil -- le \markup \italic fis -- \markup \italic ker \nl Du \markup \italic lil -- \markup \italic le fis -- ker } \relative c'' { \partial 4. g8 a g e c r4 r8 g' a g | f d} \addlyrics \test \markup \line \bold { With line breaks (no overrides) } \markup { \verse #test } \markup \line \bold { With visible line break character } \markup { \override #'(display-nl . #t) \verse #test } %{ To have left-aligned word-wrapping with long lines, use \markup { \override #`(make-line . ,make-wordwrap-markup) \verse \words } (the default is make-justify-markup) %}