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Re: laissezVibrer

From: David Rogers
Subject: Re: laissezVibrer
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2010 23:27:47 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

* Peter Buhr <address@hidden> [2010-09-13 20:57]:

I want to specify a duration (tie length) for \laissezVibrer as in:


meaning put a tie of duration whole-note on the 1/4 note "a". Knowing how long
to let a note ring seems essential to describe the music for a player. I
searched the web and found others asking a similar question but I could not
find a good answer.  I appreciate that it is my problem if this tie bangs into
something downstream.

Is this something that could perhaps be expressed by writing a whole
note with special articulations/dynamics/other markings? If it has a
clearly defined duration, it might be easier to acknowledge that in the
conventional way. When I see an l.v., I tend to assume that it was
written that way because the duration is intentionally not defined.

I'm guessing that what's required iѕ some way of communicating a
quarter-note of full tone followed by a dotted-half of "reverb" (if
that's the correct term).


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