\version "2.13.29" \pointAndClickOff \header { title = "Dynamics differently positioned on rests than on notes" } \markuplines \justified-lines{ The dynamics in the following example are differently positioned, depending on whether they are assigned to a rest or to a note. Dynamics on a rest are positioned too far to the left so they collide with the barline, while dynamics on notes do not have that problem! } mus = \relative c'' { \time 2/4 a2 | r8\p a[ a a] | a8\p a[ a a] | a2 | r8\f a[ a a] | a8\f a[ a a] | a2 \bar"|." } \score { \new StaffGroup << \new Staff \mus \new Staff \mus \new Staff \mus \new Staff \mus >> }