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Vertical Spacing

From: Walter Hofmeister
Subject: Vertical Spacing
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 16:30:47 -0600

        I have been trying to get a handle on vertical spacing for a while now 
with no luck. Everything that I have tried since about 2.11 has not worked at 
all. Here is a sample of a test that I have made up:

\version "2.13.17"
\include ""
#(set-default-paper-size "letter")

                top-margin = 10\mm
                after-title-spacing = 45\mm
                line-width = 165\mm
                left-margin = 25\mm
                between-system-spacing = 65\mm
                ragged-last-bottom = ##t

\header {
        title = "The Title"
        composer = "The Composer"

melody = \relative c' {
                \clef treble
                \key c \major
                \time 4/4
                %\partial 8*2 

% 1
        a4 b c d
        a4 b c d
        a4 b c d
        a4 b c d
% 5
        a4 b c d
        a4 b c d
        a4 b c d
        a4 b c d
% 10
        a4 b c d
        a4 b c d
        a4 b c d
        a4 b c d
% 15
        a4 b c d
        a4 b c d
        a4 b c d
        a4 b c d
        \bar "|."
     \score {
        \new Staff \melody 
        \layout {
        \midi { }

Can anybody tell me what I am doing wrong? I have checked the archives and have 
found that this question is coming up but there have not been any explanations 
as to how the new spacing now works. The docs seem to be very much like the 
docs have always been in this section but I think that I am trying to do what 
they are suggesting but nothing seems to work. Any help in this regard would be 
much appreciated. Thanks.

Walter Hofmeister

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