\version "2.10.10" \include "english.ly" %identifiers TextSpan = { \override TextSpanner #'direction = #1 } Left = {\set stemLeftBeamCount = #1 } Right = {\set stemRightBeamCount = #1 } ssp = {\set stemLeftBeamCount = #1 \set stemRightBeamCount = #1 } ss = {\set stemLeftBeamCount = #1 \set stemRightBeamCount = #1 } Rests = {\override Rest #'transparent = ##t} XHead = { \override NoteHead #'style = #'cross } NormHead = { \revert NoteHead #'style } OctA = {#(set-octavation 1) }%\set Staff.middleCPosition = #-13 OctAA = {#(set-octavation 2) }%\set Staff.middleCPosition = #-20 OctBass = {#(set-octavation -1)} EndOct = {#(set-octavation 0)} OttBrakY = #(define-music-function (parser location padOtt) (number?) #{\once \override Staff.OttavaBracket #'padding = $padOtt #}) %cluster notation %cFill = {\tweak #'stencil} qLinkFull = #(ly:make-stencil (list 'embedded-ps "gsave currentpoint translate newpath 0 0.26 moveto 1.3125 0.76 lineto 1.3125 -0.26 lineto 0 -0.76 lineto closepath fill grestore") (cons 0 1.3125) (cons 0 0)) %This allows manual adjustment of dynamic marker to avoid collision with octavation or other spanner markup dynamicsXY = #(define-music-function (parser location offsetX offsetY) (number? number?) #{ \once \override DynamicText #'X-offset = $offsetX \once \override DynamicLineSpanner #'Y-offset = $offsetY #}) %This allows a trill and accidental to be positioned correctly padtrtex = #(define-music-function (parser location padtrill padtext) (number? number?) #{ \once \override Script #'padding = $padtrill \once \override TextScript #'padding = $padtext #}) %see violaduets/144.ly for examples OctA = {#(set-octavation 1) }%\set Staff.middleCPosition = #-13 OctAA = {#(set-octavation 2) }%\set Staff.middleCPosition = #-20 OctBass = {#(set-octavation -1) \set Staff.middleCPosition = #13 } EndOct = {#(set-octavation 0)} EndBass = {#(set-octavation 0)\set Staff.middleCPosition = #6 } OttBrakY = #(define-music-function (parser location padOtt) (number?) #{\once \override Staff.OttavaBracket #'padding = $padOtt #}) OttPadY = #(define-music-function (parser location padOtt) (number?) #{\override Staff.OttavaBracket #'padding = $padOtt #}) %This allows manual adjustment of dynamic marker to avoid collision with octavation or other spanner markup dynamicsXY = #(define-music-function (parser location offsetX offsetY) (number? number?) #{ \once \override DynamicText #'X-offset = $offsetX \once \override DynamicLineSpanner #'Y-offset = $offsetY #}) global= { \time 2/4 \key c \major } %music contents organized as identifiers vpart = \relative c' { \set Score.skipBars = ##t \partial 16 r16 | R1*2 | \time 2/4 R1*2/4 | \time 4/4 R1*9 | \time 6/4 R1*6/4 | \time 2/4 R1*2/4 | \time 4/4 R1*2 | r2. r16 d\p d d | \time 5/4 c'4~ \f \times 2/3 {c8 \glissando b4} gf \times 2/3 {d8\p d4} r8 d | \time 3/4 \times 2/3 {f8 d d} \times 2/3 {d d d} ef16 d8. | \time 4/4 \times 2/3 {e?8 d d} d r d4 f8 r |%He faces \times 2/3 {r4 d8 } \times 2/3 {d d d} d d \times 2/3 {f g?4} | \time 3/4 r8. gf16\< gf gf8 r16 gf4\f | \time 4/4 gf4 r2. | \time 3/4 R1*3/4 | \time 5/4 | r1 \times 2/3 {gf8 af f} | \time 4/4 gf4 r16 gf8 gf16 af8 gf gf gf | r16 gf ef gf( af) r8. gf8 ef gf ef | \time 5/4 af4 r16 ef16 ef r ef ef ef8 r2 | \time 4/4 R1*3 | r2. r8 gf | \time 3/4 bf4 bf8 bf r bf | bf16 bf bf8 r ef, f?4 | r8 ef ef ef r c16 c | \time 2/4 c16 ef ef( c) \times 2/3 {f8 ef r} | \time 3/4 c4. f8~ f16 c8.| \times 2/3 {d8 d4} d2 | r2 r16 d d d | d8 \times 2/3 {d16 d d} \times 2/3 {f4 d8} r \times 2/3 {d16 d d} | \time 4/4 f8 \times 2/3 {d16 d d} d8 r r16 f8. r8 f16 f | \time 2/4 \times 2/3 {e?4 e8} \times 2/3 {r e e} | \time 6/4 e8 e r16 g8. r8 f16 f g8 g r4 r8. b16 |%unfailingly \time 4/4 d4 f8. \glissando ef16 d4 r8. b16 |%m45 -turns to d4 ef8. e16 g f8. b,8( d) | r8 e~ e d~ d4. c8 | bf4. r8 bf af~ af4 | \time 5/4 r8 bf df4 ef r \times 2/3 {r8 bf ef} | \time 4/4 ef4-. ef-. r \times 2/3 {r8 \XHead bf bf } |%m50 Dell \XHead bf4-\bendAfter #-4 r4 \times 2/3 {bf4 gf8} r8. gf16 |\NormHead \times 4/6 {bf16 af g?8 f} g4 r2 | R1*2 | \time 3/4 r8^\markup { \tiny \note #"4" #0.7 "= 60" } \times 2/3 {gf16 gf8~ } gf r r4 | r8 \times 2/3 {\XHead d16 gf bf} af8. e16 \times 2/3 {af8 af af} | \time 4/4 bf ef, \times 2/3 {r8 \NormHead e e} ef4 \XHead r16 ef8 ef16 | a8 a gs4 as8 ds,~ ds4 \glissando | \NormHead as'8 \XHead fs16 e \times 2/3 {fs8 fs e} \NormHead gs ( fs~ fs4) | \times 2/3 {as8-- as gs} \times 2/3 {gs16 as gs4 } \times 2/3 {r8 \XHead f-. f-. } cs'16 gs fs8-\bendAfter #-3 | \time 5/4 r8 g? c4 r \times 2/3 {d8 cs a?~} a16 af8 g?16 | \time 4/4 \times 2/3 {c?4 af8~} af r r2 | R1 | %sprechtstimme His body type \time 3/4 r4. d4^\markup{louder} r8 | e8[ b] d, r \times 2/3 {r4 d8 } | g8. e16~ e8 r4 d8 | %Alex d'8. b16 e d a8 r b | \time 5/4 b\< r d8. \glissando b16 \times 2/3 { gf'8(\mf d) d\p} \times 2/3 {d d4} r | \time 3/4 a-- r a-- | R1*3/4*3 | r2 r8 a |%wonder 1 e' d r4 r8 a16 a | \time 4/4 a4 r16 a8. \times 2/3 {a4 cs8~ } cs4 | \time 3/4 a8-. r r4 r16 a16 a a | \time 4/4 cs2^\markup{project} fs4 \times 2/3 {cs4 as8} | \time 5/4 cs8 cs~ cs fs,16 fs a?8 fs'( cs4 \times 2/3 {as8 gs) fss} | g4^\markup{less} r8 fs ds ds16 ds ds8. ds16 r ds8. | %styling \time 4/4 f?4. f8 f f r4 | r2.^\markup{\bold{A bit faster}} r8. f16 | %He wears1 f8.^\markup{abstractly but focused} r16 r8 d? f4 r16 f8. | \times 2/3 {af8 g gf} \times 2/3 {f8 r4} r f | %dark f r \times 2/3 {r8 af af} \times 2/3 {af16( g? af} g8) | r2. r8. f16 |%He wears2 \time 3/4 f8. r16 r8 d? fs4 | \time 4/4 \XHead \times 2/3 {a4 fs8} cs4 \NormHead gs'8 fs16 r r8 ds8 | %finely gs4 fs ds8 cs~ cs r | \XHead a'?8 r cs, r \NormHead a'4. r8 | a16 a8. a8 r \XHead cs,4 \NormHead \times 2/3 {r4 gs'8(} | a4) r8 \XHead d, \times 2/3 {as'4 f8 } r gs | %buttoned e16 c8. \times 2/3 {r4 d8} \NormHead \times 2/3 {cs'8 b g?} fs8 e16 r | %flare fs4 \XHead g16 e cs8 \NormHead g'8 g r4 | r2. r8. f16 |%He wears3 \time 6/4 f8. r16 r8. g16 b4 r \times 2/3 {b8 g fs} r \XHead e | \time 4/4 b'\> b c,4\p r4. d8 |%socks e r e e16 e \NormHead \times 2/3 {a4\f fs8} e r | %argyle b'4 \XHead d, \p \times 2/3 {c8 c4 } r | \NormHead R1 | r2 r8 g'^\markup{start over}\mf b[ d] | gs8. a,16 a4. r8 r f^\markup{Very deliberately} | a4 \XHead b8 fs g g \times 2/3 {af4 df,8} | %as if \NormHead r8 df' \times 2/3 {b4 af8} df8 ^\markup{\bold{keep tempo}} b~ b16 \XHead gf8 r16 b4 d, \bar "||" } text= \lyricmode { There is a gor- geous boy wri- ting a pa- per at one of the lit- tle ta- bles at this ca- fe. He fa- ces the ten- foot win- dows but does- n't look out. He is en- grossed in a re- search pa- per that in- volves in- ter- li- brary loans a small stack of them. His tea, served in tall glas- ses here, is dry and has been for the se- ven- teen min- utes I've been here wat- ching him. He is dis- trac- ted for a mo- ment by some- thing op- po- site from me, now by the fin- gers of his right hand, now by his left palm, but un- fail- ing- ly re- turns to the lit- tle book all text and soft cov- er bet- ween him and the lap- top. It's a dell, smal- ler and stur- di- er than mine. He has a ve- ry nice me- chan- i- cal pen- cil by the book and an o- live fleece sweat- shirt o- ver the back of the chair as if he threw it off af- ter sit- ting down with- out bo- ther- ing to ar- range it. His bo- dy type re- minds me of Al- ex Re- do- son, with rich cur- ly hair and some- what dark skin. I won- der if his hair is soft or stiff the way the light shines off his short curls it is im- pos- si- ble to tell if he wears it with sty- ling pro- duct... he wears a pair of glas- ses in it, so dark they blend in. He wears a white po- lo shirt o- ver a fine- ly pat- terned, pink and green but- ton- up shirt, sleeves com- plete- ly un- but- toned and pulled up a bit to flare o- ver his fore- arms. He wears a ring, pos- si- bly a cla- ss ring, and socks with that m- as- cu- line ar- gyle pat- tern. A cu- ri- o- si- ty: he wears ne- on or- ange ear- plugs as if to block out the Mah- ler. } %top piano staff topstaff = \relative c''' { \partial 16 s16 | s1*2 | s1*2/4 | s1*9 | s1*6/4 | s2 | s1*3| s1*5/4 s2. | s1*2 | s2. | s1 | s2.| s1*5/4 | s1*2 | s1*5/4 | r2. r16 bf,, c a | bf c a bf c a bf c bf c a bf c a bf c | r16 d c b r d c b r d' c b r d c b | r c bf a r c bf a r c bf a r c bf a |%3/4 tea r bf af g r bf af g r bf af g | r bf af g r bf af g r bf af g | r a gf ef r a gf ef r a gf ef |%2/4 seventeen \change Staff = upstaff c,,64 _\markup{LH} c ef'_\markup{RH} \change Staff = topstaff ef' \change Staff = upstaff c,_\markup{LH} c' \change Staff = topstaff ef ef' c c' \OctA ef ef' \EndOct c,,, c' ef ef' ef,4 |%3/4 r16 gf, e c r f e c r f e c | r f d c r f d c r4 | r2 4~ \fp | 2\fp |%4/4 2\fp 2~\fp | %2/4 4 4\fp |%6/4 right hand 4\fp 2.\fp 4_\markup{\italic{sim.}} |%4/4 unfailingly 8. 16 2 |%m45 4 | e16(\p^\markup{Smooth} d af bf d c e, af) d( c e, af c bf d, e) | bf'( af d, e bf' af d, e) bf' af8 d,16~ d \once \override TextScript #'padding = #5.2 e8. ^\markup{...but continue}|%5/4 << { bf''16( df, c g ef'4) r bf'16( df, c g bf' df, c g) |%4/4 ef'4-. ef-. bf'16^\markup{sim.} df, c g ef'4 | bf'16 df, c g ef'4 bf'16 df, c g ef'4 | }\\ { r2 r16 f, ef c r2 | r16 f( ef c ef f ef c) r4 r16 f ef c | r4 r16 f ef c r4 r16 f ef c } >> |%sturdier \times 2/3 {8 r } \times 2/3 {r r} \times 2/3 { r } \times 2/3 {8 r} | s1*2 |%3/4 a very nice s2. | r16 gf,( e c) r16 gf'( e c) r16 gf'( e c) |%4/4 r16 gf'_\markup{\italic{sim.}} e c r16 gf' e c r16 gf' e c r16 gf' e c | r16 gf' e c r16 gf' e c r16 gf' e c r16 gf' e c | r16 gf' e c r16 gf' e c r16 gf' e c r16 gf' e c |%as if r16 af' gf af r af gf af r af gf af r af gf af | r8 c16 c' r8 c16 c' r8 c,,16 c' 4 | | r8 d(^\markup{Long, liquid line of energy} |%His body 3/4 e b) r4 r8 d( | e b ) r4 r8 d | g, e r4 r8 d | << { r b' e a, r4 | %rich 5/4 r8 b d a fs4 r r8 b | %dark 4/4 }\\ { r8. fs16 s2 |%rich 5/4 r8. fs16~ fs8. fs16 s2. |%dark 4/4 } >> %3/4 m68 cs'8 a r ~ a | b fs r ~ b' |%m70 cs8 a r ~ a | b fs r ~ b' | cs8 a r ~ a | r4 r8 8~ 4 |%4/4 r4 r16 8.~ \times 2/3 { 4 8\laissezVibrer } 4 | %3/4 << { s4 s2 ^\markup{Brilliant} s4 } { % r4 \times 8/10 { % \featherDurations #(ly:make-moment 5 4 ) { % \once \override Beam #'grow-direction = #RIGHT % as'16 bf cs bs as bs as g fs g } %} | r4 \times 8/10{ \featherDurations #(ly:make-moment 8 10 ) { \once \override Beam #'grow-direction = #RIGHT as'16 ( bf cs bs as as bf cs bs as } } fs4)^\markup{light} } >> << { s2 b'4 ^\markup{LH} | s2 }\\ { r16 g( fs g fs ef d ef d b as b |%m76 5/4 as b d b as4) } >> fs8\p fs fs fs'32( c g fs 4 \times 2/3 { } | gs4)^\markup{\italic{sim.}} as gf fss gs | %close top staff } %2nd piano staff upstaff = \relative c'' { \partial 16 gs32( gs,) | r4^\markup{\tiny \note #"4" #0.7 "= 92 Jagged, mechanical"} r8. gs'32( gs,) r4 r8. gs'32( gs,) | r8 ef' ef ef16 af32 af, r8 ef'8 ef ef16 |%2/4 r8^\markup{Soften} ef'\p\< ef ef |%4/4 ef ef ef | \f | \once \override TextScript #'X-offset = #2 d16 \p _\markup{\italic{subito}} a' b a d, a' b a d, a' b a d, af' b af | d, g a? g d g a g d g a g d g a g | d g d g~ g d fs g~ g g d g~ g d fs g | g g g g~ g g g g~ g g g g g g g8 | f16 g g g~ g g g g f g f g g f g8 | g'16 a, g' g~ g a, g' g~ g a, g' g a, g' g8 | 16 g g g g g g g g |%6/4 r16\sf df,( ef f~ f4) r16 df( ef f) r16 df( ef f) r8 df16 ( ef f4) |%2/4 r16 df( ef f) r16 df( ef f) | %4/4 r4 a16-. \f a-. d,-. a'~ a2~ | a1| \once \override TextScript #'padding = #2.2 \times 4/6 {r16^\markup{sticky} g\p } \times 4/6 {d( f g c g f) } \times 4/6 {d( f g c g f)} \times 4/6 {c'( g f c' g f) } | %5/4 \times 4/6{c'( g f d f g)} \times 4/6 {b( gf e d e gf)} \times 4/6 {b( gf e d e gf) } d' d' |%3/4 \times 2/3 {32(\fp 16 d8) d} \times 2/3 { } \times 2/3 { } |%4/4 \times 2/3 { } \times 2/3 { } \times 2/3 { } \times 2/3 { }| \times 2/3 { } \times 2/3 { } \times 2/3 { } \times 2/3 { } |%3/4 4 \< |%4/4 \times 4/6 {gf'16(\f f e? f c df} \times 4/6 {b c fs, g? es fs) } \times 4/6 {gf'16( f e f c df} \times 4/6 {b c fs, g es fs) }|%3/4 \times 4/6 {gf'16( f e f c df} \times 4/6 {b c fs, g es fs) } \OctA \times 4/6 {gf''16( f e f c df)} \EndOct |%m25 5/4 \times 4/6 {gf,16( f e f c df} \times 4/6 {b c fs, g es fs) } \times 4/6 {( \p e) ( e) ( e) } \times 4/6 {( ef) ( ef) ( ef) } \times 4/6 {^\markup{\italic{sim.}} ef ef ef } | %4/4 \times 4/6 { ef ef ef } \times 4/6 { ef ef ef } \times 4/6 { ef af af af } \times 4/6 { ef af af af }| \times 4/6 { ef af af af } \times 4/6 { ef af af af } \times 4/6 { b? b b} \times 4/6 { b b b} |%5/4 \times 4/6 { c c c} \times 4/6 { c c c } r4 r8 e'?16( gf af ef' df af32 b? |%4/4 af bf gf8. ) r2. | s1 | a,4( af,) a''?( af,) | g'?( gf,) g'( gf,) |%3/4 tea ef'( ef, ) ef'( | ef,) ef'( ef,) | ef'( c,) ef' | \clef bass s4 ef, | a,4 ( a,) a'( | bf bf,2) | d16 d, d' d~ d d, d' d~ d d, d' d | d,8 \times 2/3 {d'16 d d} \times 2/3 {d,4 d'8} d, \times 2/3 {d'16 d d} | d,8 \times 2/3 {d'16 d d} d,8 d' d16 d8. d,8 d'16 d |%fingers \times 2/3 {d,8 d' d,} \times 2/3 {d' d, d'} |%6/4 d, d' d16 d8. d,8 d'16 d d,8 d' d,8. d'16 d8. d'16 |%4/4 unfailingly \clef treble 4 8. 16 2 | 4 | \clef bass ->_\markup{a little heavy} 2-> 4-> | 2_\markup{less} |%5/4 \clef treble r8 ( 4 ) 8( \times 2/3{8 } |%4/4 \clef bass 4) bf \times 2/3 {8 } 4 |%m50 dell \times 2/3 {8 } 4 \times 2/3 {8 } 4 | \times 2/3 {r8 r } \times 2/3 {[ r ]} \times 2/3 { r r } \times 2/3 {r4 8 } | \clef treble \times 4/6 {gf'''''16(\f f e? f c df} \times 4/6 {b c fs, g? es fs) } \times 4/6 {gf'16( f e f c df} \times 4/6 {b c fs, g es fs) }| \times 4/6 {gf'16( f e f c df} \times 4/6 {b c fs, g es fs) } \OctA \times 4/6 {gf''16( f e f c df} \times 4/6 {b c fs, g es fs) }\EndOct |%%3/4 4 |%m55 r2 a''4( | bf,) r2. | a'4( a,) r2 | bf'4( bf,) r2 |%as if df4( df,) df'( df,) |%m60 5/4 g,16( g') r8 g16 ( g') r8 g,,16( g') r8 \clef bass d16 ( c gf af) e'( d af bf) |%arrange \times 2/3 {c,8 c' c,} \times 2/3 {af4 af8} c2 | 2 r | %He has \clef bass r4 d''8 ( d, d'4 )| << { 2.| 2.| s4 2|%rich 5/4 s2 2 r4 | } \\ { r4 d''8( d, d'4 ) | r b8( b, b'4 ) | d,8 d' r4 g8 g, |%rich g'4 r4 r8 fs, fs, fs' d4 | } >>%dark 3/4 4 fs''8 fs, fs'4 | a'8 a, a'4 |%m70 4 fs''8 fs, fs'4 | a'8 a, a'4 | 4 fs''8 fs, fs'4 | 2. |%4/4 2. 4 |%3/4 2.|%4/4 4 ( 2.~ |%5/4 2 4. ) cs8( cs4 \times 2/3 {as8 gs fss} | gs4 as gs fss gs | %close 2nd staff } %3rd staff midstaff = \relative c' { \partial 16 s16 | s1*2 | s1*2/4 | s1*9 | s1*6/4 | s1*2/4 | s1*3 | s1*5/4 | s2.|s1*2|s2.| r8 -> r -> r -> r -> |%3/4 b8( \p c f b) \times 4/6 {gf''16( f e? f c df)} | %m25 5/4 r16 8-. 16 r 8-. 16-. r f-.[ \ss r ef~] ef8. ef16~-> ^\markup{RH} ef8. ef16 | s1 | s1 |%5/4 loans \clef bass r2 gf,,8.( 16) b,,8.( 16)^\markup{LH} e,8.( 16) |%4/4 a,8. 16~ 8 16~ 8 16~ 8. \change Staff = upstaff gf''16 | \change Staff = midstaff r8 \change Staff = upstaff f,16 \change Staff = midstaff f,, r8 \change Staff = upstaff f''16 \change Staff = midstaff f,, r8 \change Staff = upstaff f''16 \change Staff = midstaff f,, r8 \change Staff = upstaff f''16 \change Staff = midstaff f,, | s1*2 |%3/4 tea s2. | s2. | s2. | s2 | s2. | s2. | s1*3/4*2 | s1 | s2 | s1*6/4 | s1*4 | s1*5/4 | s1*3 | \clef treble r8 -> r -> r -> r -> |%m52 b8( \p c f b) \times 4/6 {gf''16( f e? f c df} \times 4/6 {b c fs, g es fs) }| %3/4 \clef bass \times 2/3 {4 g,8} \times 2/3 {4 g''8} \times 2/3 {4 g''8} |%3/4 a very nice bf4( bf,) r4 |%4/4 r bf'4( bf,) a' | r2 a4( a,) | r2 bf'4( bf,) | s1 | s1*5/4 s1*2 s1*3/4*4 s1*5/4 s1*3/4*4 %end 3rd staff } %bottom piano staff botstaff = \relative c { \clef bass \override Score.VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t << { \partial 16 s16 | r8 ef ^\markup{RH} ef ef r8 ef ^\markup{RH} ef ef | s8 }\\ { \partial 16 \times 2/3 {a,32( b c } | e8) r r8. \times 2/3 {a,32( b c } e8) r8 r8. \times 2/3 {a32( b c } | e8) } >> r8 r8. \times 2/3 {r32 a,,16(} gs4) r8. \times 2/3 {r32 a16} |%2/4 \set Staff.pedalSustainStyle = #'bracket a4.. \sustainDown _\markup{Light Ped.} a16 |%4/4 << { s1 \sustainUp\sustainDown | e' \sustainUp\sustainDown | }\\ { a,1~ | a | } >> g'?2.\sustainUp\sustainDown f4\sustainUp\sustainDown | e1\sustainUp\sustainDown | r1\sustainUp | r1\sustainDown | r1\sustainUp\sustainDown | \clef treble 16 \sustainUp\sustainDown g? g g g g g g g | \clef bass a,, \sustainUp\sustainDown a, a' a~ a a, a' a~ a a, a' a a, a' a8 | \override NoteHead #'X-offset = #0 4~\sustainUp ^\markup{white keys cluster} 8 16 4 r16 8.~ 16 8. |%2/4 4 \revert NoteHead #'X-offset |%4/4 R1 | d16 d, d' d~ d d, d' d~ d d, e d' d, e d'8 | 4 ( \pp 8. 16 8. 16 8. 16) |%5/4 c'4 bf gf' r16 8.~ 16 8. |%3/4 r8 d, d' d, d'( \change Staff = midstaff d''') |%4/4 \change Staff = botstaff d,,,( \change Staff = midstaff e''') \change Staff = botstaff e,,, e, f' f,8~ f \change Staff = midstaff g'''' | \change Staff = botstaff d,,, d, f f' \change Staff = midstaff \times 2/3 {f''' g4} \change Staff = botstaff f,,,8 g |%3/4 e( f gf eff f gf) | s1 s2. |%m25 5/4 f,4( c'8 df) c'16 ( g ef ff) 8.( 16) 8.( 16) | r8 8~ r2 | \clef bass r2 af8. ( ef'16) af,8.( ef'16) | f,8. ( f'16) f'8.( f,16) e16( gf af ef' df b? a) \mordent gf r4 | s1*4 | %sprechtstimme %end bottom staff } \layout{ \context{ \Score \override VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t } } \layout { \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext } }