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Horn notation

From: Stephan Elliot Perez
Subject: Horn notation
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2009 13:11:07 +0100

      I have two horn parameters for which I want to display gradual changes- a transition between stopped and open, as well as between ,,schmetternd" and ,,nicht schmetternd" ( notated as "s" and "ns"  ) I have been trying to do this with \startTextSpan and \stopTextSpan, but it is complicated for a few reasons.

1.  The transitions occur sometimes during the duration of one note.
2.  The \markup text is often not automatically on the same horizontal level. ( a problem I also have with hairpins)
3.  Sometimes the two transitions occur simultaneously- together with dynamic hairpins.
4.  There are often tuplets (I have /tupletUp activated )

I would like to have the "ns"---"s" transitions above the system, the +---o transitions below the system, and the hairpins below that.  I thought implementing the symbols as markup commands would help, but it hasn't really....  Here are two examples of my problem:

\relative c'  { \time 2/4 \override TextSpanner #'style = #'line
b'8--->\f b---> << b4---> { s8.._\startTextSpan_\markup { \musicglyph #"scripts.stopped" } s32_\stopTextSpan_\markup { \musicglyph #"" } } >> }

\relative c' { \tupletUp \override TextSpanner #'style = #'line
\time 5/8 r32^"ns"\startTextSpan e,8.\thumb(\< dis'\stopped \!^"s" << d)\thumb { s8\> s16^"ns"\stopTextSpan } >> r32\! }

In the first example, the textspanner stays above although I preceded it with "_" For the second example I would also like a transition between \thumb ( half stopped ) and \stopped.  The text span for "ns"--"s" is also not ideal because it runs above or below the text instead of between it.

Any suggestions or solutions are appreciated.

Beste Grüße,

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