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RESOLVED letter size, paper height

From: David Raleigh Arnold
Subject: RESOLVED letter size, paper height
Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2009 12:02:28 -0400

I am using the tarball 2.12.2 on a debian
stable system.

I found that without paper-height, the page
was too long as displayed by gv or xpdf.
Is #(set-paper-size "letter") correct? If
so, it doesn't work without stating the
paper-height.  I think this is a bug in
ghostscript, not lilypond, but it seems
like an easy workaround.  Sorry if this
has come up before.  Regards, daveA

\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "letter")
% trim margin for a4 users
% letter width is about 215 mm
margin = 20\mm
line-width = 175\mm
% this should not be necessary (letter):
paper-height = 279.4\mm

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