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Re: \arpeggioArrowUp across staves

From: Mark Polesky
Subject: Re: \arpeggioArrowUp across staves
Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2009 17:05:51 -0700 (PDT)

Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
> I think a note about "arrowed" arpeggios that cross staves would
> be helpful under the Arpeggios->"Known issues and warnings"
> subheading in NR 1.3.3.  There's such a note about cross-staff
> tremolos being tricky, which saved me from trying a bunch of
> unnecessary tweaks to get them to work.


I made an attempt to rewrite the arpeggio commands so they'd be
more intuitive for the user, and I'd like to see of someone can
test it out. You don't have to, but I'm hoping you'll be

Of course, if anyone else would like to experiment with this,
that would be great. I'd be curious to know if anything comes out
differently than you'd expect or if anything just comes out plain
wrong. Feel free to try fancy things to see what the limits are.

Also notice that the syntax has been simplified. So don't use
these anymore:
\set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t
\set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##f

Use these instead:

Also, don't use this type of thing anymore:
\override PianoStaff.Arpeggio #'arpeggio-direction = #UP

Use these commands in all situations (connected and unconnected):

These are still not to be used in connected situations:

The file is here:

You can start with the example given at the bottom of that file
and go from there.

- Mark


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