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Re: (Retry) LilyPond ignoring \break... what did I do wrong?

From: Tim McNamara
Subject: Re: (Retry) LilyPond ignoring \break... what did I do wrong?
Date: Sun, 17 May 2009 19:18:16 -0500

Apologies if this is a duplicate, it did not seem to get relayed through the server the first time I sent it.

I'm doing an arrangement of a song for a jazz ensemble. I am finding that LilyPond is ignoring one of the manual line breaks (after bar 12- I like four bars per line for consistency and readability and I am getting two lines of two bars) and I can't figure out what I've messed up. I'm sure it's something simple and I'll say "duh" when it's pointed out, but I'm flummoxed right at the moment. The time counts in those bars in \harmonies and \melody seem to be correct and LilyPond offers no error message about it (e.g. that the break was overridden). The way my template is laid out, I have the chords and melody in separate blocks and then they are assembled in the \score block.

Looking again I see that LilyPond isn't ignoring a \break, it is inserting an extra line break after bar 10 which I don't want. I suppose this can be suppressed somehow but adding a \noBreak produces even stranger results- three bars on one line and one looooong bar on the next.

\version "2.12.2"

\paper {
    indent = 0.0
    ragged-last = ##f


\header {
  title = "In Memory of Elizabeth Reed"
  subtitle = "Concert Pitch"
  composer = "Richard F. Betts"
  meter = "Medium Eighths"

\include "../../"
\include "../../"
\include "../../"

harmonies = \chordmode {

% 1
e2:m7 a2:m7
e2:m7 d2:7
e2:m7 a2:m7
e2:m7 d2:7

% 5
e2:m7 a2:m7
e2:m7 d2:7
e2:m7 a2:m7
e2:m7 d2:7

% 9
a4:m7 d4:7 b2:m7
c4:maj7 a4:m7 e2:7.9+
c4:maj7 a4:m7 d2:m7
e4:m7 c4:maj7 e2:7.9+

% 13

% 17

% 21
\set chordNameExceptions = #ChrdExcep c1 %chord <c e g> as NCString
\unset chordNameExceptions

% 25

% 29
a2:m7 b2:m7
c2:maj7 b2:m7


melody = \relative c' {
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
\time 4/4
\clef treble
\key g \major

\partial 8*2 e8 g8

% 1
\mark #1
\set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-alphabet
\bar "|:"
\set Score.voltaSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 3 4)
\repeat volta 3 {
a2 \times 2/3 { g8 a8 g8 } e8 d8
e2. d8 e8 \break

% 5
b'2 a2
g2 \times 2/3 { fis4 g4 a4 }
e2 r4 a,8 c8 \break

% 9
e8 r8 d8 r8 b4 \times 2/3 { r8 c8 d8 } }
\alternative {
{ c8 r8 a8 r8 e4 \times 2/3 { r8 e'8 g8 } }
{ e8 r8 c8 r8 a4 \times 2/3 { r8 b8 c8 }
b8 r8 g8 r8 e4 \times 2/3 { r8 g8 e8 } \break

% 13
\times 2/3 { fis4 a4 c4 } \times 2/3 { ees4 fis4 a4 }
\times 2/3 { b2 a2 g2 } \bar "||"
\mark #2
\set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-alphabet
e8^\markup { \italic "Double Time Feel" } \mark \markup { \musicglyph #"scripts.segno" } r8 \times 2/3 { a8 b8 g8 } a8 g8 e8 d16 c16
e8 r8 \times 2/3 { a8 b8 g8 } a8 e8~ e4 \break

% 17
e8 r8 \times 2/3 { a8 b8 g8 } a8 g8 e8 d16 c16
e8 r8 \times 2/3 { a8 b8 g8 } a8 e8~ e4
g8 r8 \times 2/3 { c8 d8 bes8 } c8 g8 \times 2/3 { f8 g8 bes8 }
g8 r8 \times 2/3 { c8 d8 bes8 } c8 g8~ g4

% 21
e8 r8 \times 2/3 { a8 b8 g8 } a8 g8 e8 d16 c16
e8 r8 \times 2/3 { a8 b8 g8 } a8 e8~ e4 \bar "||"
\mark #3
\set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-alphabet
gis4.^\markup { \italic "Half Time 6/8 Feel" } a8 gis4 \times 2/3 { a8 b8 a8 }
gis4. a8 gis4 \times 2/3 { a8 dis,8 e8 }

% 25
gis4. a8 gis4 \times 2/3 { a8 b8 a8 }
gis4. a8 gis4 \times 2/3 { a8 dis,8 e8 }
\mark \markup { \musicglyph #"scripts.coda" }
\times 2/3 { a4 g4 fis4} \times 2/3 { e4 d4 c4 }
d4 r4 g2

% 29
\bar "|:" r1
r1^\markup { \italic "After solos D.S. al Coda" } \bar ":|"
\mark \markup { \musicglyph #"scripts.coda" }
e8 a8 b8 g8 a4 r4 \bar "||"




\score {
    \new ChordNames {
      \set chordChanges = ##t
    \new Staff


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