\documentclass[12pt,oneside,letterpaper]{article} % the package "amsmath" allows binomials, which look like time signatures with % parentheses around them. Setspace allows you to set line spacing in specific % environments. % the package hyperref puts bookmark links in the document % when it's converted to .pdf format. Nice! % \usepackage{hyperref} %\linespread{1.15} \author{Author} \title{\Title} %%%%%%%%%%%%% BEGIN DOCUMENT %%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{document} %\maketitle %%%%% NOTE RECOGNITION %%%%% \section{Note Recognition} Please write the correct note name for each note in the spaces given below. Where note names are given, write the pitches on the staff. \begin{center} \lilypondfile[noindent,staffsize=24]{note-names.ly} \end{center} \end{document}