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Re: Lyrics provoke "Moment is not increasing" complaint

From: Trevor Daniels
Subject: Re: Lyrics provoke "Moment is not increasing" complaint
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 20:31:58 -0000


Further to my previous answer, here is one way to code
your example.  This corresponds to the first method in
the Learning Manual.  I would prefer, though, to place
the music in variables and the staff structure in the
score block.


\version "2.11.60"
\layout { ragged-right = ##t }
example = {
   \new Staff <<
     \new Voice = "a" \relative c'' {
         \new Staff { \new Voice = "c" \relative c' { c1 } }
         \new Lyrics \lyricsto "c" \lyricmode { dah }
     \new Lyrics \lyricsto "a" \lyricmode { Doo }

\score { \example }

----- Original Message ----- From: "Roman Stawski" <address@hidden>
To: "Mats Bengtsson" <address@hidden>; <address@hidden>
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 7:34 PM
Subject: Re: Lyrics provoke "Moment is not increasing" complaint

Roman Stawski wrote:
I want to have one group of parallel staves following another
sequentially. The constitution of the two groups is quite different.
(In the real piece I'm using \removeEmptyStaffContext to hide the
first group when I finish with it.) A cut-down example is:

- - - -[START]
\version "2.11.60"
\layout { ragged-right = ##t }

example = {
    \new Staff { \new Voice = "a" \relative c'' { a1 } }
    %\new Lyrics { \lyricsto "a" \lyricmode { Doo } }
    \new Staff { \new Voice = "c" \relative c' { c1 } }
    \new Lyrics { \lyricsto "c" \lyricmode { dah } }

\score { \example }
- - - -[END]

This snippet works, but when I uncomment the Lyrics line, I get

- - - -
Interpreting music...
programming error: Moment is not increasing. Aborting interpretation.
continuing, cross fingers warning: cannot find Voice 'c'

    \new Lyrics {
                  \lyricsto "c" \lyricmode { dah } }

- - - -

and the second group is corrupted in the display.
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
This is weird and looks like a bug to me, so I forward it to
However, you may want to reorganize your score along the lines of
the email "Re: Adding a staff in the middle of a piece" I sent on
lilypond-user some minutes ago, which shows how to switch a stave back
and forth between behaving like a french stave and a normal stave, but
setting the remove-empty property.

Hi Mats

Thanks for your ideas. You proposed three work-arounds :

1. I don't need to switch between french and normal staves (AFAICS).

2. When I use the same staff context, I still get exactly the same
  error. In your examples you leave out the lyrics, they are at
  the core of the problem. For instance:
  - - - -[START]
  \version "2.11.60"
  \layout { ragged-right = ##t }

  \score{ {
   \new Staff = soprano \relative c' { c d e f | g1 |  }
   %\addlyrics{ \lyricmode { Did -- dle did -- dle dum. } }
    \context Staff = soprano \relative c'' { g4 f e d | c1 | }
    \addlyrics{ \lyricmode { Did -- dle did -- dle dum. } }
    \new Staff = solo \relative c'' {g8 c g f e g e d | c1 | }
  } }
  - - - -[END]
  Try uncommenting the first lyric line

3. The third alternative won't do either. The two groups represent
  refrain and verse. I use separate variables to be able to use
  different content structure in the PDF (Ref. + V1 + V2 + V3) and
  in the midi (Ref + V1 + Ref + V2 + Ref. + V3 + Ref). So introducing
  additional staves on the fly makes this much more difficult.

Thanks for forwarding this to lilypond-bugs. I wasn't sure whether I
was missing something simple, or whether it really is a bug.


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