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Re: horizontally aligning columns in \fill-line

From: Nicolas Sceaux
Subject: Re: horizontally aligning columns in \fill-line
Date: Sun, 18 May 2008 18:43:57 +0200

Le 18 mai 08 à 17:30, Reinhold Kainhofer a écrit :

In one of my scores, I'm writing two pages with the lyrics of a mass, together
with the corresponding German/English translations. I'm using
\fill-line {
 \column{"Latin text"...}
 \column{"German text"...}
 \column{"English text"...}
to generate the three columns. However, since the mass has 6 pieces, I want
the columns of all six text blocks to line up nicely. Currently, each
\fill-line is layed out by itself, so the German and English translations are
not properly aligned at all.

You may work on something like that. Note that it won't work well
if the text is too large.

#(define-markup-command (columns layout props args) (markup-list?)
  (let ((line-width (/ (chain-assoc-get 'line-width props
                        (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'line-width))
                       (max (length args) 1))))
    (interpret-markup layout props
      (make-line-markup (map (lambda (line)
(markup #:pad-to-box `(0 . ,line- width) '(0 . 0)
                                 #:override `(line-width . ,line-width)

\markup \columns {
  \column {
    "Kyrie eleison,"
    "Christe eleison,"
    "Kyrie eleison."
  \column {
    "Herr, erbarme dich,"
    "Christus, erbarme dich,"
    "Herr, erbarme dich!"
  \column {
    "Lord, have mercy,"
    "Christ, have mercy,"
    "Lord, have mercy."

PS: I had to insert \noPageBreak at every possible point, because without them, lilypond would always decide it wants to start the real score on an even-numbered page and stretch the lyrics to three pages, even if that means that one page contains just one or two lines (e.g. only the headline)!!! I
have no idea how to get around this problem, either...

You may change the page breaker:

\paper {
  #(define page-breaking ly:minimal-breaking)

to avoid page breaks when there is still room to print text at the
bottom of a page. But then the page and line breaking of the pieces
won't be as fine as with optimal-breaking.

PS2: Is there any way to set something like ragged-bottom=##t only for the current page? It would suffice to have some \vfill construct, which simply takes up all the remaining space on the page. This would do away with the need to insert lots of \markup\null to prevent really ugly stretching of text

Use a top-level \markuplines, this will set the padding and spacing to 0
for the consecutive markups inside it, thus make them stick one to another.


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