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moving notes and accidentals

From: luis jure
Subject: moving notes and accidentals
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2008 11:42:02 -0200

hello list, more doubts from a beginner...

attached is an image of what i want and the snippet of code i came up
with to get it.

the problem was the clash between a and a-flat in the two voices. by
default lilypond merges the two noteheads, even if they have different
accidentals. first i found about force-hshift, and managed to move the
aes to the right. but only the note, the accidental stayed in place.
then i learned about AccidentalPlacement and the only solution i could
think of was using negative right-padding. here's my code:

\relative c'' {         
\clef alto
<< { bes16 \once \override Score.AccidentalPlacement #'right-padding =
#-2.7 \once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #2 aes g fis } \\ 
{ a a a a } >> s2.

the code compiles without complaints and i get what i wanted, but i'm
not sure if it is a good solution. is there a simpler|better|cleaner
way to move the note _and_ the accidental to avoid the clash between
a-natural and a-flat? some part of the documentation i missed?

thanks for your attention,


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