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RE: How do I put parentheses around some notes?

From: Trevor Daniels
Subject: RE: How do I put parentheses around some notes?
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2007 14:48:35 -0000

The following is a bit of a hack, and there may be better
ways, but it does do what you want.  It has to be hand-tuned
for every occasion, but I guess you need it only once or
twice.  It uses \markup to generate a pair of brackets of
the required size and then moves them to the correct
position.  The fontsize and two offset numbers will need to
be tuned to suit your needs.  Here's an example of it which
you may recognise.

\paper {
   ragged-right = ##t
\version "2.11.34"
\new Staff <<
  \key g \major
  \partial 4
  \new Voice = "Sop" {
    \relative c'' {
      \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(-1
. -6)
      g4^\markup { \fontsize #2 { "(  )" } } | g2
  \new Voice = "Alto" {
    \relative c' {
      d4 | d2
  \addlyrics { O come }
  \addlyrics { \skip 4 God }

Trevor D

-----Original Message-----
From: address@hidden
On Behalf Of Father Gordon Gilbert
Sent: 22 December 2007 13:13
To: Reinhold Kainhofer
Cc: address@hidden
Subject: Re: How do I put parentheses around some notes?

Reinhold -

The parenthesis thing you pointed to doesn't help.  What I
want is to parenthesize a complete chord, not just
individual notes, and I've searched the lsr and the index
of the manual and can't find it.  What I have is four parts
with their collective notes  (naturally for a hymn), and for
certain of the lines of lyrics, some stanzas have a leading
note, some don't.  So the chord that is a leading note needs
to be parenthesized.  How do I do that?

Also, for dashed or dotted slurs, I don't know if it's my
PDF display that doesn't show it, but it doesn't seem dotted
to me -- simply greyed-out.  jEdit with the built-in PDF
display.  If I print it, should it be OK?


On 21/12/2007, Reinhold Kainhofer <address@hidden>
Am Friday, 21. December 2007 schrieb Father Gordon Gilbert:
> But how
> do I put parentheses around these (only sometimes-used)

See the LSR for this (parenthesis around one note or even
one note inside a

> Also, what about dotted slurs for when one or more
syllables are sung to a
> pair of notes?

dashed or dotted slur:

Hope that helps ;-)


Reinhold Kainhofer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
email: address@hidden,
* Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, TU Wien,
* K Desktop Environment,, KOrganizer
* Chorvereinigung "Jung-Wien",

Fr. Gordon Gilbert
Penetanguishene, ON

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