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Re: Why will this tie not work?

From: Neil Puttock
Subject: Re: Why will this tie not work?
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2007 23:07:57 +0100

Hi David,

On 7/27/07, David Fedoruk <address@hidden> wrote:
I'd better clarify something which is not apparent in the small
amountof score I've posted here. The top voice is the voice which will
continue as the main voice. The lower one, in this case pops in for
two bars, drops out for a bar completely then re-apears for two bars
at which point the  notes are stemmed on one stem. So this is sort of
polyphony where it makes sense at the moment from Scarlattii's point
of view.

That's exactly why you should avoid << { } \\ { } >> in this situation, since it creates two new voice contexts which you can't link to the outside world.

I wasn't sure how to deal with the creation fo new voices when they
were created so often and dissapears just as often. Do new voices have
to  be removed or ended?

New voices end automatically in a polyphonic section with the >>, so you needn't worry about their housekeeping - LilyPond creates and destroys them as required.
That is why I am doing it this way.

------- Code Snip ----------

ef[d ef f g af ]                                        |       % bar 65
        g[ bf \grace af16 g8 f ef df ]| bar 66

           \grace bf16 \stemUp  cf2  af'4~ |
\new Voice      { \stemDown      cf,2.                  |  }    % bar 67,68

         af'8[ af gf f bf af ]  |
        gf[bf \grace af16 gf8 f ef df ]                                                 |                       % bar 69

That won't work - it just tells LilyPond to insert a new voice, so you get an extra bar. You must have the << >> present for simultaneous music.


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